Improving Blog Placement Optimizing Title

In one of my previous publications, I have presented a way to swap parts of the blog post title the way that the post name will go before the blog name, as it is setup by default in the Blogger templates. There are multiple advantages of this simple transformation, both from aesthetical and Search Engines Optimization point of views. Your posts will be less competitive in respect to each other for a descent space on the search page for the particular search items. It is always good to have your main keywords (introduced in your Post title) of a specific blog post at the start rather than placing your blog title at the start. The situation improvement is even more significant, if the blog post title is very long. The method offered was tested, and its works on my Blogger blog posts.

This time, I want to present one more way to reach the same, or almost the same outcome (the only difference is a separation sign between blog post title and blog title). However, there is always good to have a choice. This time, credit goes to BloggerTricks blog.

Let’s make the process more visual.

Before the trick:
After the trick:
How to change:

As usual, Sign in to Blogger » Layout » Edit html and find this line in the current blog template:

Now, replace that line with the following code:

<data:blog.pageName/> </span><br /><span style="background-color: #fff2cc;"><data:blog.title/>


Save the Changes.
The method has been also tested on this blog, and it worked for me.

How to Create a Killing Blog Post Title?


There are some many ways to improve your blog in terms of readability, search ability, attractiveness, organization, and so on, that the newbie blogger feels completely overwhelmed with amount of the available information and massive recommendations, sometimes controversial. Little-by-little, you start developing your own style, adopting some recommendations completely, rejecting others, and modifying the remaining group to accommodate your strategic goals, aesthetic and ethical views, and personal common sense. For me, it is probably time to seek improvement of my blog titles.

Hendry Lee is offering 10 templates on how to create killer titles for your blog posts that nobody could resist but got interested in the post content. Definitely, that does not present the complete solution. You cannot fit all your posts in one of the offered schematic forms. However, these templates give you overview of the killer titles generation approach. In many cases, you can use them “as is”, but be sure not overdoing that, following the internal voice of your personal common sense.

  1. How to ____
This is at the top of the list for a reason. It is simple yet very effective. It can be used almost for any technical (and not only) post.

Example: How to Win Friends and Influence People.
This is the title of Dale Carnegie’s book. It includes double benefits within a single title, which works extremely well.

  1. ____ Proven Strategies to ____
Fill the first blank with a number. This title works because it is specific. It also promises something in the content the readers can find and use. The effectiveness of the title, of course, depends on the benefit you include in the second blank space.

Example: 7 Proven Strategies to Save on Tax.

  1. Here’s a Way to _____ That Has Never Failed Yet!
This one is taken from an email subject line that generated a staggering 60% open rate. It works for sales copy and it can be used for blog post title too.

Example: Here’s a Way to Lose Weight That Has Never Failed Yet!

  1. Do You Make These Mistakes in ____?
Maxwell Sackheim wrote this headline. It became a legendary 40-year control ad. Many copywriters believe this is because of the headline.

What’s account for its stunning success? It is the word these.

Combining these and mistakes intrigue the audience to continue reading and find out what these mistakes are. Including the answers in the copy or content is important as well.

Example: Do You Make These Mistakes in Designing a Web Site?

  1. (Attention: ____,) Don’t ____ Until You Read This
In the first blank, you insert your target audience. Insert something desirable in the second blank space. The impact is much like the fourth title template above but with a qualifier. You may create a second variation by omitting the Attention: ____,” part.

Example: Attention: Newbie Blogger, Don’t Quit Your Job Until You Read This.

  1. Who Else Wants to ____ (in ____)?
Social proof is a powerful and effective psychological trigger to influence your audience to make a decision (like in buying a product). This same headline and title template has been overused in certain niche because it works. The second blank adds specificity into the title, usually a phrase that shows the readers how they could benefit by reading on.

Example: Who Else Wants to Drive 10,000 Unique Visitors to Their Blog in Two Hours?

  1. Need a ____?
A simple formula that identifies an unfulfilled desire the readers want to achieve. You can also rephrase the question to make it a problem instead of desire. Using this title template allows the readers to resonate with it immediately, even if they scroll down the page quickly.

Example: Need a Marketing Makeover?

  1. Stress Free ____
Insert a challenging problem the reader wants to remedy immediately. Something easy that fixes a problem without a lot of struggle is always appealing. You can also rephrase the title to include a desire instead of problem.

Example: Stress Free Ways to Improve Your Productivity

  1. Make ____ Work for You
This template promises to solve or fulfill something. In the previous template above, you emphasize on the benefit of the solution (stress free) but this one focuses on getting the problem solved (finally).

Example: Make Real Estate Investing Work for You.

  1. The Secret to ____ (is Simply ____)
Everyone wants to know a secret. It immediately puts him/her in the loop. Make sure you have something important and exclusive in the blog post though. Another twist is to immediately tell there is no secret at all to stress the simplicity of the solution, sort of a hidden benefit.

Example: The Secret of Selling Your Product on eBay

There is one more point: it is good to include one or two important keywords from those you target, but do not duplicate the same name in labels and keywords as you use in your title, as it might be considered rude by the Search Engines.

As you see, I have chosen for the title just one of the offered templates. However, you can do your home exercise and easily apply each of the offered templates to our topic of discussion. And remember, that title is just starter. If your blog post content does not match the striking title, or it is just boring, you lost it, as you could not keep your visitor at your virtual home for more than couple of seconds.

What is Google PageRank?

One of the users of my Blog asked for clarification of what is meaning and importance of the Google (PageRank) for the blog and site popularity. There are online arguing among SEO specialists of how important the PR is for improving your site popularity and site indexing in Search Engines, however, everybody agree on the fact of the higher PR - better. Some Q & A on the topic:

What is Pagerank and how does it work?

PageRank is a system implemented by Google that measures a web page’s significance only taking into account the links and links related factors. The fundamentals are that each web page is giving votes to the links on that page and the power of the vote is established by the number of links pointing to the page that gives the vote. The votes are divided among the links on the page so the lesser number of links, the more share of the vote is given to each link.

How often does Google update their PR?

Google representatives, such as engineer Matt Cutts, have publicly indicated that the Toolbar pagerank is republished about once every 3 months, indicating that the Toolbar PageRank values are generally unreliable measurements of actual PageRank value for most periods of the year. However, PR is updated at Google daily (or close to daily). New links are factored into the equation and they are applied to a page’s PR. You just cannot see this PR until Google does its next public PR update.

What is the importance of the Google PageRank?

PageRank is important as it used by Google to determine the quality of a Web site. Having a high PageRank will result in faster and more successful search engine positioning. The basic requirements of a high pagerank are: Good Web Site Structure - Structuring your site in a simple and user-friendly fashion will add to your pagerank. The highest pagerank possible for good structure is PageRank 3. To rank higher than a 3, you need good quality links pointing to your site.

How to check Google PageRank for any Website?

While there are many free services and free programs, that are able to check PageRank for any Website, I would recommend using the new free service URLMetrix that is able to check any URL for multiple metrics like: Google Page Rank, Alexa Rank, Compete Rank, Quantcast Rank, Technorati Rank, Google Indexed, Yahoo Indexed, Google Backlinks, Technorati Blog reactions and lots more.

To give a proper ending for the topic of discussion, I want to present nice lyrical song dedicated to pagerank for all current and prospective Webmasters:

pagerank Lyrical Song

Bringing more traffic to your blog - September 12, 2008 - 7th Ed.

Welcome to the Seventh, September 12, 2008 edition of "Bringing more traffic to your blog" Blog Carnival. Some statistics: Submitted Articles - 102. Published Articles - 51. I want to thank all the authors contributing to the issue. Some articles were excluded from the review, since their topic of discussion did not match the main target of the carnival. I am sorry, that not all submissions were accepted, as some of the excluded articles carried a significant value.

Raymond presents The Best Credit Card Rewards For Google Ads and Search Advertising posted at Money Blue Book.

Traffic2mypage presents Using OBP to increase web traffic - Part III - Youtube posted at, saying, "Commenting on other sites is a sure fire way to increase web traffic. But how do you find sites that has active click participation?? You use Youtube! Find blogs to comment or advertise on by using youtube statistics.. Read how"

Traffic2mypage presents posted at Traffic2MyPage Blog, saying, "i have compiled a list of 500 directories sorted by highest page rank on my blog that you can submit your links to to increase web traffic to your site.... i"

MoneyNing presents 5 Ways to Get Ideas for Blog Content posted at Busy Blogging Dot Com, saying, "Some great ways to develop better content!"

Matthew Paulson presents The Benefits of Small Business Blogs posted at American Entrepreneurship.

Ralph Jean-Paul presents How to Run a Blog Successfully without Having a Computer posted at Potential 2 Success, saying, "I don’t own a laptop, iPhone or any other wireless device with internet access. But because of some new productivity practices, I can run my entire blog without having a PC currently in my home."

John Szram presents 4 Simple Ways To Quickly Increase Website Traffic posted at Internet Business Blog By John Szram.

maria gudelis presents Advertising on Craigslist?why not?it?s FREE! posted at Maria Gudelis.

Carl Ringwall presents I Heartily Endorse 3WayLinks To Get Backlinks- Why: posted at Data SystemsPlus.

Traffic2mypage presents posted at, saying, "Top 500 one way link directories to build website traffic and increase your page rank"

AndrewB presents 33 Reasons to Start a Blog posted at Personal Hack, saying, "Thinking about starting a blog but need Motivation? Or maybe you have a blog but have lost motivation to keep it updated. Here are 33 motivators to keep you going. This post was featured on and is very popular ;)"

Traffic2mypage presents Increase web traffic by diversion setups on Facebook posted at, saying, "How to use facebook to divert traffic from facebook"

AndrewB presents Top 7 Mistakes to Avoid as A Blogger posted at Personal Hack, saying, "Biggest time wasters for bloggers, a must read for any online content publisher"

Carl Ringwall presents How Useful are Automated Social Bookmarking Tools? posted at Data SystemsPlus.

Raivyn presents Basic Blog SEO: Niche Blogging Series Part V posted at Idiot’s Guide to Blogging.

Tip Diva presents Tip Diva | Top Ten Tips - Editing Your WordPress Blog Layout posted at Tip Diva, saying, "When you first download a WordPress blog, you find yourself looking at its default layout - boring! Here are ways to make your blog more unique and exciting by editing your layout"

Davin Warner presents Manipulating online traffic via Google posted at Absolutely Random Stuff.

AndrewB presents 5 SEO Tips - Get BackLinks For Free posted at Personal Hack, saying, "Maybe you are a blogger. Or maybe you have your own personal site that you want to promote, and get more traffic for. The following Tips will help you get more search engine results for your website ;)"

Kenton Newby presents Six More Upgrades to Supercharge Your Wordpress Blog posted at

James Hills presents Five Ways RSS and RSS Feeds can Help Your Business posted at mhn Integrated Online Marketing.

MoneyNing presents Be Patient with Increasing Traffic to Your Blog posted at Busy Blogging Dot Com, saying, "Keep writing and readers will come!"

Moon Loh presents Drive Traffic to Website posted at MoonLoh.Com.

Traffic2mypage presents Maximizing your web traffic by understanding the bell theory of article marketing posted at, saying, "For most, writing and submitting articles online is a great tool to build reputation, that can position you as an expert, as well as build backlinks that ultimately will increase web traffic. But many if not most, fail to understand a basic fundamental of the Google algorithm, and worse don’t take advantage of it."

Terry Dean presents Build Your Blog Email List posted at Integrity Business Blog by Terry Dean.

Rod presents Increase traffic to your blog with Social Bookmarking posted at Hippo Web Solutions, saying, "Having your article voted up in Social Bookmarking sites is a great way to get loads of free traffic"

Writers Coin presents Blogging Tip: Pretend You Just Got Started posted at The Writer’s Coin, saying, "One way to get a boost in traffic for established bloggers is to stop relying on all the readers they already have. Pretend you just got started and have no readers...."

Robert Phillips presents How to Use Blog Carnivals to Increase Traffic posted at How to Create a DVD without Spending a Dime.

texasdave presents 5 Ways To Improve Your Adsense Earnings posted at Make Cash Online.

Katy Landers presents Adventures in Marketing: Keeping track of the hits posted at Adventures in Marketing, saying, "A reliable tracker"

Cheryl Hines presents Article Writing For Dummies! posted at Internet Marketing With The Hines’.

AndrewB presents Hit Digg’s Front Page by Writing Killer Headlines posted at Personal Hack, saying, "I’m sure you have dreamt about this if you are a blogger or online editor, here is how to to it."

Richard P. McLaughlin presents WordPress Translation Plugin posted at Cheap Keywords.

Peter Lee presents Discover Magic of Entrecard U Drop I Link| New Work At Home Ideas posted at Work From Home Business Blog.

Charles Chua C K presents Let Drive Traffic to your Site posted at All About Living with Life.

MoneyNing presents Spend Money On Good Web Hosting posted at Busy Blogging Dot Com, saying, "Don’t be cheap about web hosting! You won’t be sorry in the long run!"

AndrewB presents Video - Use Blog Carnival & get FREE Targeted Traffic posted at Personal Hack, saying, "In this video I show you how to use blog carnival and get tons of free targeted traffic along with higher search engine rankings."

Steve Faber presents - How to Get Free Traffic, Boost Credibility, and Supercharge Your Small Business Marketing posted at Home Based Business Success.

Margaret Mary presents Google’s Knol Project posted at The Earthly Paradise, saying, "Writing Knols can be a great way of attracting attention to your blog and can also help boost traffic."

SEO Genius presents Blogging | Unique content is the key posted at SEO Tutorials - SEO Tips and Tricks - Marketing Articles, saying, "If you want to ensure your blog grows and keeps growing then you need to make sure that your content is unique, this will help to build subscribers and visibility to your website."

Alex_Sysoef presents Extending Blog Into Info Product posted at WordPress Web 2.0 How-To Spot-er, saying, "As a blogger writing in a specific niche you might already have nearly everything you need to create your very own first product… an eBook, report or a guide in any other format. Successful info product does one of the two things (well, perhaps more but we concentrate on the 2): * Addresses a burning need by providing solution * Saves time"

Desk Coder presents To DoFollow or Not To DoFollow? | Quitting The Day Job posted at Quitting The Day Job.

Rod presents Collect traffic and backlinks by participating in Blog Carnivals posted at Hippo Web Solutions, saying, "Blog carnivals are a great springboard for building traffic to your site, and great places to network with other bloggers in the same position as yourself."

Fred Black presents Playing Chicken with Google posted at Fred Black: Internet Business Blog..

Jimmy Adames presents Article Marketing Strategies - 4 Practical Steps To Success posted at Internet Business Building, saying, "Promoting your business on the Internet can be financially costly if you use paid advertising, but there is a great way to increase traffic to your website without the high costs by using article marketing strategies that work."

Brian Terry presents 5 Powerful Ways To Instantly Jump Start Your Article Marketing posted at Big Yellow Blog of Turbo Marketing Secrets, saying, "Article Marketing is the process of distributing information online that proves your expertise within your niche market. Article Marketing also helps you build 100’s of inbound links for your website that help you attract more quality traffic which lead to increased sales and revenue."

Brian Terry presents 10 BIG Selling "Must Have" Website Design Resources? posted at Big Selling Website Design.

Brian Terry presents 7 Revealing Questions About Your Website Design You Probably Wished You Asked Earlier? posted at Big Selling Website Design.

SEO Genius presents Blogging | 7 Factors that determine a blogs success posted at SEO Tutorials - SEO Tips and Tricks - Marketing Articles, saying, "Ever wondered what makes a blog a success, this article determins 7 of the most important factors which are all important to making your blog succeed."

Wakish presents Revealing My Experience With How Inactivity Affects My Blog?s Growth posted at Wakish Wonderz.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of bringing more traffic to your blog using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

Bloggerplugins Help to Optimize Blog Title for Search Engines

You have probably already noticed that when you search Google for something and your blog is present in the search results the Title of the result will be of the form: Blog Title + Post Title. This type of a title is not very attractive to the searchers, and your posts at some degree compete each other. Here is a hack that will change the title to the following more attractive format: Post Title + Blog Title. This trick will help you to optimize the blog title for Search Engines and is expected to drive more visitors to your blog.

Note that it will take some time for the new title format to appear in the search results (actually, following the next re-indexation of your blog by the crawling spider).

Please visit developer Website and follow the recommended way of code modification:

AdSense Ads Management Plugin for WordPress Blogs

If you are using Wordpress, and you care for effective blog monetization with Google AdSense, this plugin must be for you. The plugin Adsense Injection will help you setup AdSense on your Wordpress with no complications.

It only adds your AdSense code into the body of your Wordpress blog and not into the side panels or the footer or the banner area. And you do not have to change any AdSense code or play with files.

This Google AdSense plugin is so easy to use. Say, you are able to edit the template of your blog and you edit the header file and the left sidebar file to include your AdSense Code in there, you then only have to set the limit of the ads that the AdSense Injection script shows in the body of your blog to a maximum of 1. That will automatically hide your AdSense Ads from yourself to avoid accidental clicks, as you choose that in the settings.

You can also change the way the AdSense ads display in your blog posting area and you can change the type of AdSense blocks that are displayed with just one click. Since the AdSense Injection Plugin will show different types of AdSense blocks at random if you choose more than one type of ad, your visitors will not always see the same Ad blocks and this will lead to an increase in your AdSense earnings.

Download plugin:

Screen Sample:


Additional Reading:

How to Track your Website Stats

Website Stat Tracking Software -

How to install Statcounter on Blogger

I use frequent screenshots on my make money online blog and have been asked numerous times how I get the stats that I show.

This is a simple process that involves finding a stat package you like and then inserting the code into your blog. In my case I really like and recommend that you use their tracking system as well. It is a free package and is easy to use.

Register at

Once you have registered simply log on and "Add a new Project" under the "My Projects" menu.

Just follow the suggestions in the next screenshot below.

Click image to enlarge.

Hit Next and the following screen should appear if you created your project correctly.

Click the "Configure & Install Code" button.

This page will appear. You can now decide what kind of button you want on your blog or you can choose to make your visit counter invisible. I usually don't show my counter.

If you choose to use an invisible counter then you will skip several of the following steps when you hit the next button. (Go to the step in which you choose your blogging platform below)

If you wish to show your counter on your blog then hit Next and choose between showing "Unique Visits" or "Total Pageloads". Select "Unique" for more accurate stats.

Then choose the type of image you want shown.

Pick the color and font size for the Counter image.

Choose the blog platform you use like "Blogger" or "Wordpress" and you will get a code to install on your blog.

Highlight the code and then cut and paste it into your blog. In my example the code looks like this.

How to Add Statcounter Code to Blogger Blogs

Note: the most recent Blogger update changed the term "Add Page Element" to the current term "Add Gadgets".

Open "Page Elements" in Blogger "Layout".

You will get different stats depending on where you place the code on your page. I have noticed a considerable difference between the number of visitors tracked when the code is at the bottom of the blog. There are always less visitors than when the code is placed on top of the site. For this reason I usually insert the code in the "Add a Gadget" box located above the "Header" Box.

If your template doesn't show this box you can add it by following the step by step instructions here. How to Add Page Elements to Blogger Header (Remember that page elements are now called Gadgets)

Choose HTML/Javascript from the menu inside the Add a Gadget box.

Simply paste the Statcounter code into the content area and click save.

And that is it. You are done.

To see your stats simply log in to statcounter and you will see a list of all the sites you have installed statcounter on. Just pick the site and browse through the various stats offered.

This shows the Summary stats for one of my sites. You can pick various stats from the menu on the left hand column.

Here are the keywords used to find my new make money online blog.

If I click on the keyword link in the stats for "make money with Grizzly" I can see where I rank for the term in the serp's. (Search Engine Results Pages)

And that is how you track the visitors coming to your blog.



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22 Best Paid Blogging and Blog monetization opportunities

There are paid and sponsored blogging opportunities available. Here is how it works:
1. Make a blog on your topic of interest, cars, movies, gadgets, games, mobiles anything..
2. Register with paid blogging sites.
3. Write for them on your blog and get paid. Write about your views, experience and opinions about products, companies, websites and earn money from it. Here is a list of genuine make paid blogging opportunities available.

1. LinkWorth
Instead of text link ads, in-text links, in-content pay per click ads,LinkWorth also offer paid blog reviews, submit your blog to get the approval. After approval it will be listed in the marketplace for advertisers to browse. Once an advertiser would like to request a review you will be notified via email.

2. Reviewme
Let the review offers come to you. In the ReviewMe advertiser marketplace, advertisers create specific campaigns for bloggers. Bloggers can find out what review campaigns are available for their blog by checking the Advertiser Clearinghouse.

‘Shvoong’ is a world-wide center for abstracts, offering a wide variety of abstracts in 34 different languages.The site distributes 10% of its profits to abstract writers.

4. Sponsoredreviews
Comment in your own tone and style, and gear them to your audience's interest.Receive cash earnings via PayPal on a bi-weekly basis.

5. payu2blog
If your blog meets their requirements then you can make money blogging in their system and you can count on Payu2blog to deliver that consistent steady income from advertising on your blog.

6. Blogsvertise
Blogsvertise! It's simple. Earn cash and generate extra income from your blog!

7. Bloggerwave
Air your opinions on the net. And to make money! Your opinions will quickly turn into gold....

8. Blogtoprofit
A way to make Guaranteed Money for posts to your blog!

9. Bloggingads
Once your blog is approved you can start to blog about products and services from advertisers. You are paid for each blog post.

10. Weblogsinc
Apply to blog for one of the 90 fine blogs they have and earn money.

11. Blogitive
Get paid weekly via PayPal ,No advertising required, just your opinions ,Only post the stories that interest you ,Create multiple blogs to earn more,They also pay $2 for every blogger you get to sign up to the Directory.

12. Loudlaunch
If your blog and interests are aligned with an advertiser’s campaign then you can do your own research and write about them in exchange for pay.

13. Softwarejudge
Pay up to fifty bucks for what they call Damn good reviews and not every reviewer is going to get that much for a single review. However, you get paid at least a buck for any review published . Ten reviews – ten bucks.

14. Payperpost
This is the most strength forward name for Get paid to blogging. Write about web sites, products, services, and companies and earn cash for providing your opinion and valuable feedback to advertisers. Disclosure required.

15. Methodshop
Pay ~$20-$200 (or more) per article or piece depending on depth and quality of content. Writers also get free eval products for reviews they write.

16. Inblogads
Get paid to blog from the Advertisers who buy sponsored blog post.

17. Scoopt
Scoopt is a media agency that has been created specifically to help members of the public sell photographs and videos of newsworthy events to the media.

18. Lifetips
Cash in on your wisdom at LifeTips and earn up to $10 for every tip you create!

19. Epinions
Help other users make decisions. Epinions takes a share of the revenue gained from providing consumers with high-quality information and deposits it into your account monthly.

20. suite101
Get paid a direct share of lifelong advertising revenue on your work. Get free training on writing for the Web and work, 1-on-1 with an editor

21. BlogBurner
Instead made money from posting ,you can place your Google Adsense ads on the BlogBurner blogs

22. Smorty
Make money from your blog. Write opinion articles or publish contextual advertising.

Recent Posts Widget on your Blogger Blog

In one of my previous publications, I have offered the opportunity to embed the Blogger pluging to post 10 recent posts summaries on a sidebr of your Blogger Blog. The problem is - the script did not work on Blogger. With my weak programming knowledge, the best thing I could do was to find a valid substitute solution. Here you can access the site, offering to generate such a plugin.

The Recent Posts Widget displays recent posts summaries in your sidebar. You can customize this widget to display the recent posts of any blogger blog that you like, you can customize the number of posts to display, whether or not to display a post summary and the size of this summary (in number of characters). Just Fill Out the Details in the Widget installer, and it will be automatically transferred to your Blogger Blog layout for update.

This time, I personally tested it, and confirmed that the plugin code works fine.

site visitor