Get listed as #1 at Google

When I was new to blogging, All my blogger friends would brag about their blogs being #1 at google. Actually, becoming #1 at google isnt as difficult as some people would like you to believe. Here's your tutorial to become #1 at google. Remember, this is not a Search Engine Optimization tutorial. This article aims to teach newbies, a few tips/tricks about google, to get their blog/website to rank at the topmost position of the blog.

First do a google search of your blog url . So putting theory in practice, I shall do a google search of "zerodollarchallenge"(no spaces or quotes). Make sure that there are no Top Level Domains listed in the search, ie,,, etc. At the time I started this blog, there were no such domains listed against my blog url. If you see Top Level Domains listed, try your another blog url. Once you find the right blog url, Submit that blog url to google .

Sit back and relax, It could take some time so check back after a few months, So keep adding some good content to your blog. Try the google search after the long wait and you might just see your blog listed on #1 if you do a search for your blog URL. Go on, Start bragging about being #1 on google..

Note: this method does not guarantee a #1 rank on google, it has a 90% success chance.

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