Wordpress SEO Tips

  • Consider using keywords relevant to your article;
  • If the keywords are somehow related to each other, that’s a plus (for example: internet marketing, online marketing, search engine marketing);
  • Use different keywords for different blog posts. In most cases, search engines will return two results from you blog at most, so having five or six posts optimized for the same set of keywords would be a waste of content;
  • Write your article first, but with the right keywords in mind, not the other way around;
  • Use your most important keyword(s) in the title tag. If you’re using a SEO plugin, you can set a different page title than that of your blog post;
  • Use those keywords in the META description too;
  • Use the keywords in the title of your blog post and preferably in the first phrase or paragraph of your article;
  • Edit the post slug (permalink) so that it contains the most important keyword and also try to keep it as short as possible;
  • Place the keyword(s) a few more times (don’t overdo it) throughout the article in a humanly natural order and context;
  • If there are other older relevant posts on your blog, try to create backlinks from them using the selected keywords as anchor text (same goes for external incoming links).

Free Professional 3 Column WordPress Themes

Is your blog too cluttered? Too much information for one sidebar? Then you should try one of these free 3 column WordPress themes. From clean and minimal to graphic and creative templates to use on personal, corporate or magazine style blogs, this selection of 20 of the best 3 column WordPress templates will definitely help you make the right choice.

Please visit their authors’ sites, available at the “Info & Download” link, to learn more about each of these themes.

Elements of SEO

Elements of SEO WordPress Theme
Download Here
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ElegantBlue WordPress Theme
Info & Download Here

Simple Balance 2.0

Simple Balance 2.0 WordPress Theme
Info & Download Here
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Pride WordPress Theme
Info & Download Here
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Silhouette WordPress Theme
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Grid Focus

Grid Focus WordPress Theme
Info, Preview & Download Here


Neoclassical WordPress Theme
Info & Download Here
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Fervens WordPress Theme
Info & Download Here
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MassivePress WordPress Theme
Info & Download Here
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Agneka Simple

Agneka Simple WordPress Theme
Info, Previw & Download Here

Sans-Serif Racer

Sans-Serif Racer WordPress Theme
Info, Previw & Download Here

WP Imagination

WP Imagination WordPress Theme
Info & Download Here
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Dilectio WordPress Theme
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DailyPress WordPress Theme
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Unbound WordPress Theme
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Elements WordPress Theme
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Bird WordPress Theme
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Dark Zen

Dark Zen WordPress Theme
Info & Download Here
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Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum WordPress Theme
Info & Download Here
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Rainbow Circles

Rainbow Circles WordPress Theme
Info & Download Here
Preview Here

Blog Carnival - Bringing more traffic to your blog - 16-th Ed.

Welcome to the October 30, 2009, 16-th edition of "Bringing more traffic to your blog" Blog Carnival. Some statistics: Submitted Articles - 62. Published Articles - 24. I want to thank all the authors contributing to the issue. Some articles were excluded from the review, since their topic of discussion did not match the main target of the carnival. I am sorry, that not all submissions were accepted, as some of the excluded articles carried a significant value.

Nigel S presents Copywriting for the Web Becomes Easier When you Think Like a Spider « Seo by Swaby posted at Seo by Swaby.

Alex_Sysoef presents Triple �P� Of Total WordPress Security posted at Make Money Blogging, saying, "WordPress security is one of the most overlooked aspects of Blogging, be it a blogging to make money or blogging for fun. And I don�t believe it is due to ignorance but more due to wrong advice or sometimes even wrong script used for blog installation! And yet � WordPress Security is one aspect that has potential to damage your reputation, possibly even lead to your blog being banned from Search Engine results! Triple �P� Of WordPress Security Is A New Concept I have Coined That Is Designed As A Complete Solution to WordPress Protection!"

seowizz presents 3 Ways To Ensure SEO Failure posted at Search Engine Optimisation.

Andre Nilsen presents Learn Article Marketing The Right Way To Build a Substantial Passive Income posted at QualityNetworkers, saying, "Learn to make money online"

Olivia Hamilton Montgomery presents First, Find the Traffic posted at eCommerceGal’s Blog, saying, "About 99% of marketers just blindly pick a product and head straight to promotion without ever bothering to find out if they have any customers. Specialization is required, and it means that you can distinguish yourself. AND. You’ll be a lot more successful. This post shows you how."

Place For Bloggers presents 4 Simple Ways to Help Your Blog Posts Go Viral on Twitter | Place For Bloggers posted at Place For Bloggers, saying, "Place For Bloggers help you make your post go viral on Twitter"

Jacqueline Gharibian presents 168 Unique Visitors a Day On a New Blog? posted at Start Your Own Online Business With $ Zero |How To Start An Online Business,Free Tips,Tools.

Place For Bloggers presents 7 Ways to Learn as a Successful Blogger | Place For Bloggers posted at Place For Bloggers, saying, "Place For Bloggers give his interpretation of the word ‘Learn’ for a successful blogger"

Jeremy Zongker presents Lost in Translation posted at Reliable Writers.

Steve Sick presents Attract Visitors To Your Website | Learn how to turn your passion into a profitable website, blog, or online business! posted at You Create Website, saying, "Learn how to attract visitors to your blog or website. This is a thorough list of ways to attract visitors to your site."

Nigel S presents Three Ways to Out Rank Your Competitors on Google posted at Seo by Swaby, saying, "Out rank the competition for more traffic to your blog."

Relax presents How to blog with great substance posted at The Wise Curve, saying, "Nowadays, blogging seems to be a popular activity."

Andre Nilsen presents WordPress � The Ultimate Blog Platform? posted at QualityNetworkers, saying, "WordPress Review"

John M presents Catching Traffic - Blog about News that Interests you | jpmblog.com posted at jpmblog.com, saying, "Don’t be afraid to blog about topics that interest you. If it interestes you then it will interest others."

thejosher33 presents Internet Marketing Tools | Internet Business Make Money Online With Welly Mulia posted at Internet Business Make Money Online With Welly Mulia.

john c erianne presents The Dark Side of Paid Posting, Pt. 3: The FTC Chimes In posted at Diary of a Mad Editor.

Nigel S presents Halloween Web Traffic Isn’t Scary « SEO by Swaby – Utah SEO, SEM & Social Media posted at Seo by Swaby.

Brian presents Increase SERP Rank on eHow posted at Earn Residual Income Online, saying, "A case study on increasing SERP rank and the resulting web search traffic to a published article."

GreatManagement presents How To Write Articles � Check For Errors posted at The Digital Archives, saying, "Learning how to write articles can be quite a process and that first article coming hot off the press could get you all enthusiastic. Before rushing to enter your first work to a Pullitzer nomination panel, remember to check and recheck for errors."

Raivyn presents My Advice to Aspiring Pro Bloggers posted at Quoth The Raivyn.

Bert Meert presents Blog By Your Rules - Bert Meert posted at Life, Blogging And The Pursuit Of Personal Growth.

seowizz presents Maximising You Google Experience and Maintaining Rankings posted at Search Engine Optimisation.

seowizz presents SEO – Its All About The Links posted at Search Engine Optimisation.

presents 7 traits you must posses to be like blogging guru Darren Rowse posted at Gh Blogger, saying, "For all who aspire to be bloggers, a must read"

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of bringing more traffic to your blog using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

Technorati tags: , .

7 Recommendations on how to annoy readers with your Tweets

You probably know that if you want you can easily annoy people. With all technology advances, you are getting even more opportunities and tools to annoy people massively. Here, we will present several effective approaches on how to annoy people on Twitter, which are brining the most promising results, based on the extensive testing.

  1. Approach every follower immediately and give him/her a strong sales pitch. That will definitely leave an expected negative feeling at the first communication between you and your new follower. What you need followers for? Really, to buy your products, to sign your pyramid, or at least visit your web pages.
  2. Daily send detailed reports on your life events. Send at least 10 tweets a day about how you are going to the store, walking your dog, scratching your nose, and washing your hair. It will make your tweets seem like a really boring reality show.
  3. Send excessive tweets all day long. Do it manually, if you really have time for that, or use any auto-twitting utility. If you send no-stop endless tweets, people will start avoiding and ignoring your tweets, but that was your target, remember?
  4. Call yourself a Guru and teach everybody the right way of doing things. Self-confidence is very important, especially when you do not have a clue about the topic of discussion.
  5. Send repeatedly the outdated new, stressing the same issues again and again. Hell, not all the people are really sharp, and you need to repeat thing for 20+ times, before they get it.
  6. No matter, what and how you write about, ask and beg to be retweeted. You need traffic; these people will multiply the exposure for you. They just need to understand, how important is spread the word about. Note that you will not reach your target, and your readers might not get annoyed enough, if you have a really important public announcement, valuable to be retweeted.
  7. Be always negative, angry, and aggressive, and you will get to the readers fast. To be even more efficient, you need to add rudeness and lack of respect in your posts. It is probably, one of the most effective advices on the list.
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BTW, please bookmark, RSS, tweet, and add to Facebook, Digg, and others, this post! I really need this traffic. I need the Google Adsense money to pay my property tax in one week!

How to Exclude categories from wordpress frontpage/homepage

This is actually very simple. All you have to do is modify some PHP code.

First, goto Manage > Categories and get the ID of the Category you wish to exclude. Then, go to WP admin and selet Presentation > Theme Editor ..

For your current theme, edit the loop where the posts are displayed.

Here is the sample from K2 Theme’s post display loop.

    <?php /* Start the loop */ while ( have_posts() )




     <?php /* Start the loop */ while ( have_posts() )



if (is_home()) if (in_category('14')) continue;
if (is_home()) if (in_category('47')) continue;


The modified code doesnt show posts that belong to Categories 14 and 47 in homepage.

Adsense Plugins for Wordpress Users

Easy AdSenser

Easy AdSenser provides a very easy way to generate revenue from your blog using Google AdSense. With its full set of features, Easy AdSenser is perhaps the first plugin to give you a complete solution for everything that is AdSense related. Features: Remembers AdSense code and your options by theme, so that you don’t have to re-enter them if you play with multiple themes.


The ultimate wordpress plugin Features Manage Ads In post ads – Allows you to insert your ads around your content * Insert Ads above the content * Insert Ads below the content * Insert Ads to the left of the post * Insert ads to the right of the post * Option to show ads only on single posts and pages Five ad widgets at your disposal * Go to the widgets page under “Appearance” and place the widgets onto the sidebars you want the ads to appear onto Manage Feeds * Your logo in your feeds * Insert Ads into feeds * Link your feeds to feedburner * Subscribe via Email widget * Subscribe to feed widget Manage Tracking Codes * Insert Google Analytics tracking onto all you blog pages instantly * Paste other tracking code into the header or footer of your blog Manage WYSIWYG editing * Replace TINY MCE with FCK EDITOR * Disable auto formatting done by wordpress (Stops the annoying autoformatting done by wordpress.

AdSense Integrator

This plugin was developed to insert and manage your AdSense ads, based on the last Google rules and AdSense updates.

Go to the official page of the plugin AdSense Integrator to get the last updates and news about it.

It could be used as well for other types of campaigns, like AdBrite, AffiliateBOT, SHAREASALE, LinkShare, ClickBank, Oxado, Adpinion, AdGridWork, Adroll, Commission Junction, CrispAds, ShoppingAds, Yahoo!PN and others, included custom campaigns (not tested yet).

Advertising Manager

This plugin will manage and rotate your Google Adsense and other ads on your Wordpress blog. It automatically recognises many ad networks including Google Adsense, AdBrite, Adify, AdGridWork, Adpinion, Adroll, Chitika, Commission Junction, CrispAds, OpenX, ShoppingAds, Yahoo!PN, and WidgetBucks.

AdSense Now!

AdSense Now! is the simplest possible way to generate revenue from your blog using Google AdSense. Aiming at simplicity, AdSense Now! does only one thing: it puts your AdSense code in up to three spots in your posts and pages.

1. Enforces the Google policy of not more than three ad blocks per page.
2. Simplest possible configuration interface — nothing more than cutting and pasting AdSense code.
3. Internationalized with multiple language support.


AdShare allows you to rotate adsense ads based on the author of the current post. See author page for usage.

AdSense Manager

This plugin will manage and rotate your Google Adsense and other ads on your Wordpress blog. It automatically recognises many ad networks including Google Adsense, AdBrite, Adify, AdGridWork, Adpinion, Adroll, Chitika, Commission Junction, CrispAds, OpenX, ShoppingAds, Yahoo!PN, and WidgetBucks. Unsupported ad networks can be used as well.

Simple AdSense Insert

Simple AdSense Insert provides a basic way of inserting AdSense adverts into your WordPress installation, whilst having full control of display and content. If you’ve not done so already, create your AdSense advert. The code you are provided provides the parameters that are required by Simple AdSense Insert.

All in One Adsense and YPN

All in One Adsense and YPN is a Free and Open Source Wordpress plugin which is able to automatically insert google adsense ads or yahoo publisher network (YPN) ads in to your posts on the fly

Ads Adder

This plugin is used to add adsense code in the bellow title and bellow content . So it will be easier to do adsense management

Smart Ads

Smart Ads automatically inserts advertisements like Google’s Adsense above and below your post content. These advertisements are only visible when viewing a single post

AdSense Anna

with this widget / plugin you can easyly add an adsense banner to your wordpress sidebar. no coding needet! no editing of yout template needed.

Adsense Attachment Page

This great way to earn some money and show large images in new window. This plugin show attachments with thumbnail image, and when you click on it will show image in full size. You can setup plugin not to show image in full size if you want.

AdSense Revenue Sharing 1.2

AdSense Revenue Sharing is a wordpress plugin which allows you to easy display ads in your posts by using a quicktag and share your adsense impressions with your friends and co-authors. To dispaly the ads you can either insert anywhere in your post or use the quicktag button. For configuration go to Options>Revenue Sharing


AdSense-Deluxe2 Plugin for WPMU and Standalone WordPress with revenue share functionality.


Googmonify lets you insert Google AdSense ad units into your posts with easy to use tag sets (requires a Google AdSense account). Googmonify can also insert your Google Analytics tracking code in to every page on your blog help so you can keep accurate statistics.

Adsense Under Image

Places specified Adsense code under the first image in a post. If there are no images no Adsense code will be insterted. Also the ads will only appear in single post pages

Shylock AdSense

WhyDoWork Adsense is a WordPress plugin that allows you to insert Adsense ads on your blog without modifying the template. More then that, you can set it up to show different Adsense ads for articles older then X days

Adsense Injection

Adsense Injection plugin just takes a random paragraph (or br tag) break in your article and inserts adsense code. It does one per story on multi-post pages (home, archive, category) and let’s you pick how many to show on single post pages. It lets you pick how many total ads to show at any time as well (0-3) and it lets you set the formats and colors you want it to randomly select from.

Google Ad Wrap – Section Targeting

Section Targeting is a way of embedding special tags inside HTML to give Google’s omnipresent spider a better idea of what’s important on your page. This is a really simple plugin that wraps posts and comments inside these tags, in the hope that they’ll lead to better search rankings.

Adsense Inline

This plugin is pretty straightforward. Put it in your wp-content/plugins directory, then go to your Plugins configuration page and click Activate.You’ll need to customize the Adsense code in the plugin itself. Look in the adsense.php file.

Mighty Adsense Wordpress plugin

It will allow you to host the code in wordpress without having to modify the templates. Google ads is displayed in post item and you can specify how many block its going to show up in a page. Ads preview tool included in control panel.

Adsense Beautifier

Adsense beautifier is a plugin available for Wordpress to make your Adsense look beautiful in order to increase you Adsense earnings. Images adjacent to ads can help increase click through rate (CTR).

Author Advertising Wordpress Plugin

This plugin allows blog admins to create a revenue sharing program utilising one of the many advertising programs out there i.e Yahoo, Google Adsense, Amazon, Allposters etc. It can also be used as a banner manager, author photo/website widgets.. actually it has about a zillion uses. Give it a try and lemme know if you use it for anything really groovy.

AdSense Sharing Revenue and Earnings System

AdSense Earnings Plugin can show you, in real time, your AdSense Earnings for today or selected date range. You are able to view this in your WP panel or directly in your blog with a simple line of code.

Adsense Wordpress Plugin

There is an awesome wordpress plugin available to get your adsense earning details within wordpress admin panel.

With the AdSense Earnings WordPress plugin you can:

* Check your daily earnings in your DashBoard or Options page
* Check your earnings for specific period
* Show to the public how many $ you made today


WP Politifier enforces a certain level of politeness in your comments, replacing recognized swear words with acronym’ed asterisks. The original text is preserved in the title attribute, visible on mouseover.

Adsense Attachment Page

This great way to earn some money and show large images in new window. This plugin show attachments with thumbnail image, and when you click on it will show image in full size. You can setup plugin not to show image in full size if you want.

WP Simple Adsense Insertion

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Google Adsense to your posts, pages and sidebar by using a trigger text or calling the php function.

AdSense-Deluxe WordPress Plugin

AdSense-Deluxe is an easy-to-use plugin for WordPress 1.5+ (including WP 2.0) for quickly inserting Google or Yahoo! ads into your blog posts, and managing when and where those ads are displayed.

Google Adsense Ads by SAN

It is very easy way to add google adsense codes past into admin panel and those display on front end, but little changes needed

Google Adsense for Feeds

This puts Google RSS Ads in your feed, make sure you fill in your publisher ID by editing the plugin file.

Ozh’ Who Sees Ads

Who Sees Ads is an advanced ad management plugin that lets you decide who will see your ads, for instance Adsense, depending on user defined conditions. You can manage ads in your templates (eg sidebar.php) or within posts and pages.

Context Ad Wrapper

his plugin will mark the key parts of a blog post so that context based ad services can identify the post content and comments for the best ad matching (thus avoiding the static content that is irrelevant for context ad matching).

How to Add Free Live Chat to your Webpage?

You want to make your blog more interactive – think about embedding live chat window on your page. Chatango is offering you to put a chat in your site with voice, emoticons, and avatars, both in public or private modes.

Chatango lets you do three cool things:
  1. You can create your own chat room, a Chatango group for your web page. This is a public chat, and all messages stay in the group history. As a group owner, you can block people from your group, and delete messages from it.
  2. You can put Chatango private chat MINI box into your page. This is a private one-on-one chat between your page visitors and you. You can put Chatango MINI box in your Xanga, Myspace, Friendster, Piczo or in your eBay stores to increase your sales and enhance your customer support opportunities on a professional level.
  3. You can search Chatango for users near you, who are online and who have similar interests. When you login, you can scroll the list of people's profiles, or you can use search to make new friends and chat with them in real time.
The service is absolutely free for all users. Note that when you close Chatango window, you will appear offline unless for all your site visitors unless you download a small utility - MessageCatcher. It places a little icon in your Windows system tray, which notifies you when you get a new message. When you get a message, a little alert pops up, which you can click on and start chatting immediately.

Message Catcher is currently only for Windows (Vista, XP, 2000, ME/98/95), it has no spyware of any kind, and it's only a 165 KB download. You can download it from here.

Samples of embedded widget:

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Blogging for profit might get you in trouble!

Does writing a blog constitute work? That appears to be the position of the New York State Department of Labor, which recently declared a laid-off attorney ineligible for unemployment benefits because she was bringing in $1.30 a day from blog ads.
Earlier this year Karin--a 2008 graduate from the University of Virginia School of Law who asked that her last name not be published--was laid off by a New York City law firm six months into her job.

Karin applied for state unemployment benefits and began receiving $405 a week. Unable to afford her rent in New York, she moved to St. Louis, Mo., and began searching for paralegal jobs while preparing to take the Missouri bar exam (it is common, and legal, for the unemployed to receive jobless benefits from the state where they last worked, even after moving elsewhere.)

In April, Karin started a blog, called STL Meal Deals, where she wrote about local restaurant promotions. Since she received no payments from the businesses she mentioned, Karin decided to try generating some income by signing up for Google AdSense, a service run by the Web search giant that pays bloggers to host ads on their sites. Google sends bloggers checks when their earnings hit $100--a level that took Karin three months to achieve.

When the check came in, Karin realized she had a legal obligation to disclose the income to New York State, even though doing so might reduce the weekly unemployment benefits she received. According to state regulations, anyone receiving unemployment benefits, who works one day and earns less than $405, will have his check for the week reduced by 25%. Someone who earns more than $405 in a single week becomes ineligible for any payments for that week.

It was after Karin notified the Department of Labor of her AdSense income that the confusion started. New York cut her weekly benefits to $300 and sent her a form to fill out and send to her employer. Unsure whether Google was considered her employer, Karin called the DOL to get an answer. She says a state official told her she shouldn't have claimed the AdSense payment as income because it was "residual," meaning a payment made for services previously rendered. New York does not regard residual income as employment pay that could make someone ineligible for unemployment benefits.

The call prompted Karin to file another claim with the state and to attach a letter stating she was running a blog and that the Google AdSense revenue it generated was her only source of income. A few days later, she received a letter from the DOL informing her that it had launched an investigation of her "business" to determine whether she remained eligible for benefits.

Karin called the DOL again and says this time she was told that the state considered her self-employed, which would require her to claim earnings each time she received an AdSense check. She called back to get another opinion, and Karin says this time she was informed by yet another state official that she needed to declare that she was working every time that she updated her blog.

Meanwhile, New York State has informed Karin that she is ineligible for unemployment benefits while its investigation is ongoing.

Several phone calls by Forbes to the Department of Labor failed to yield a clear response as to whether New York State regards Google AdSense payments as residual or self-employment income. Such payments are "uncharted territory" and questions of eligibility are "very case specific," according to a DOL spokesman.

Karin, meanwhile, has pulled AdSense from her Web site. "It's frustrating that nobody seems to have a straightforward answer," she says. "It's even more frustrating that trying to work and generate additional income, while being straightforward and honest about that income, is treated with suspicion and punished."

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Her total AdSense income: $238.75!

Google, for its part, seems to want to stay out of it. In a statement, the company said, “Google AdSense revenue supports many publishers and bloggers with a revenue stream from online advertising. We're not able to comment on how various states choose to classify this revenue for purposes of unemployment benefit eligibility."

The company does send 1099 statements to anyone who earns $600 or more in AdSense income within a calendar year. The recipient, in turn, is supposed to declare this as miscellaneous income when filing his federal tax returns. Google does not report to the IRS, or issue 1099s, for AdSense income of less than $600 per person.

So is blogging work only if you make a certain amount of money? New York, at least, doesn’t see it that way. “You are considered employed on any day when you perform any services - even an hour or less - regardless of whether you get paid for that day,” said a spokesman from the Department of Labor.

Sources and Additional Information:

8hands – Free Services for Lazy Social Addicts

If you maintain accounts on multiple social sites, like Flickr, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, MySpace and you want to stay always updated on what is going on there, but without desire to waste too much spare time, consider get help from a free social assistant - 8hands.

The 8hands Desktop application organizes all your different online profiles into one place, and sending you real time notifications upon new events via desktop alerts, allows to be on top of the things (when friends upload new pictures on Flickr, or there’s a new comment on your Flickr photos, or when you have private messages on Facebook or new tweets on Twitter) without manual visits to your profile pages on all the different websites.

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When you are away from your computer, 8hands Mobile will instantly connect your social networks to your mobile device.

List of Supported Networks:
  • Facebook
  • Flickr
  • MySpace
  • YouTube
  • WordPress
  • Twitter
  • LiveJournal
  • Blogger
  • FeedBurner
With 8hands Desktop you can:
  • Get notifications of new comments, messages, friend requests, videos, feeds and more - in real time!
  • IM and share online content with your friends: Just drag and drop your YouTube videos, Flickr pics and more into our easy to use chat window
  • Receive summaries and statistics on your social networking activities
  • Easily access your community locations from a single entry point.
  • Use "best friends" algorithm, for more accurate matches in your friends tab
  • Use Post back options in features like private message, wall to wall, friend request
  • Get Image display on incoming events
To download 8hands click here.

More information on the developers website: http://www.8hands.com/about

Twitter Like Microblogging Sites

1. Plurk
The updates or tweets (as it is called in Twitter) are called plurks. Members can send plurks to other members in the form of links to their blog posts or other sites and short messages. Plurk gives you a chance to create your online journal and share it with your friends and family. Using Plurk will help you network with other people who have the same interests as you are. This site is a combination of social networking and microblogging and the services it provides are simple yet very useful and not only for ordinary internet users but most especially for those who wish to connect and market with other people online.
2. Sweetter
Quite a unique name for a microblogging site. This open source microblogging site provides a lot of fun stuff. Sweetter like Twitter allows you to write what you are doing and updates your friends about your activities. You can write everything you want to write about. Following other members is also possible and they can see what you post on your page and vice versa. Replying to another member’s post is also possible (@user). Sweetter uses a TODO system where you can send someone a list of things to do. This site also applies the voting system where members can vote your posts which causes for your karma to go up or down. The karma ranges from -50 to 50 points. Members can vote up the posts that they like while vote down those that they don’t want to appear higher in the index page. Updating your profile is also possible where you can either change your avatar, your personal URL or your location.
3. Microblogr
This microblogging and social networking service allows instant collaboration with friends from the network using their SMS feature. It allows instant communication with members and newly found friends. Once you send a message to your friends, they can receive it on their index page and also on their mobile phone if this service is activated by them. Tracking of messages as well as those of your friends is also possible. For example, if you want to meet up with your friends in the network, you can just send a simple and short message and all those from your network will be notified either through their microblog account or their mobile phones.
4. Yammer
Yammer is a great tool for companies and organizations to update them of their member’s activities and answer a simple question, “what are you working on?”. Everytime an employee answers this question, a feed is created to all its members which enables co-workers to discuss different ideas, ask relevant questions, share news, links and other information. Every employee at Yammer has a profile and accessing past conversations for reference is possible. Yammer is a great service for companies and other organizations. The privacy of every member and the company is secured as those who can access are only those with a valid company email address. Yammer service is free, however, if a company would like to claim and manage their own network, they can just pay a minimal amount.
5. Tumblr
Tumblr tweets are called tumbledogs. These tumbledogs can be short blogs less than 140 characters which can be links, quotes, photos, videos, music and dialogues. Anybody can freely express himself using these tumbledogs at Tumblr. All members can also customize their own page or even have their own domain names. Tumblr provides great service and joining takes only a few seconds. You can join at anytime and explore the simple yet very functional service of this microblogging and social networking site.

Add Digg Button near Post Title in Blogger

How to Add Digg Button to Blogger

Submitting a content from your blog to Digg brings more exposure and traffic to your blog. This post explains how to add a Digg button to your Blogger blog easily.

Do the following simple steps:

  1. Go to Blogger Layout page - Edit HTML - and click Expand Widget Templates.
  2. Now Search (Ctrl+F) for <data:post.body/>
  3. Now paste the following code just before <data:post.body/>

<!-- DIGG BUTTON --><div style='float:right; margin-left:10px;'><script type='text/javascript'>digg_url = '<data:post.url/>';</script><script src='http://digg.com/tools/diggthis.js' type='text/javascript'/></div><!-- DIGG BUTTON -->

Note: In the case of blogs with Read More/Expandable Post Summaries, the above code has to be pasted just before the SECOND OCCURRENCE of <data:post.body/>

Now Preview and Save your template. You will see a digg button appearing right your post titles (as shown below).

How to Add Digg Button to Blogger

Nexus 5 - Professional Free One-Column Blogger Theme

Nexus 5 - Free Professional Blogger Theme from BloggerBuster

Nexus 5 is a free one column professional blogger template designed by BloggerBuster.

  • Integrated Navigation Menu
  • Integrated "Featured Posts" section
  • Hover Effect on Summarized Posts
  • Stylized "Social" Section
  • Ultra customizable!
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Dead-End, or 6 reasons to stop blogging

After three-plus years, Christian Ziebarth decided to stop blogging — at least, temporarily — for his OC Mex blog that tracks the ins and outs of the Mexican restaurants in Orange CountysOCial sunday asked him to share the sign that convinced him it was time for a break …

  1. When you realize you are putting way too much time into it and getting little in return.
  2. When the amount of your site traffic indicates you should be getting more comments than you are.
  3. When you realize other people get paid to do pretty much the same thing.
  4. When friends and family think you have no other focus in life than the subject matter of your blog.
  5. When you know you have some readers; but when you also see your blog isn’t reaching many people who are interested in the subject matter you write about.
  6. When you go to bed every night stressed out, and, even worse, when you wake up stressed out.
Christian adds: “I may very well get back to the blog, but I need to let my life simmer down for the time being and then see how I can work the blog back in.”

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