wp-utf8-excerpt - It supports multibyte language (such as Chinese). It will not produce gibberish as some other excerpt plugins do. The html tags in the original posts, i.e., the font styles, colors, hyperlinks, pictures and such are preserved in the excerpt. For better readability, it displays 300 characters for each post on the homepage and 150 characters for each post on archive pages.
QF-GetThumb - QF-GetThumb is plugin to make the thumbnail and the cache of first image data in the content and the argument source.This plugin can make JPEG, GIF, a format of PNG, And makes the image of not only a local server but also the outside link a thumbnail and can become cache. Outside RSS can be read depending on the application.
PJW Page Excerpt - This plugin allows you to specify a specifc excerpt for WordPress pages. The plugin adds an extra box to the set an Optional Excerpt for a WordPress page similar to the box which is available for posts.
Content and Excerpt Word Limit - Allows users to limit the number or words that are displayed when they want the excerpt or content of a post to appear. Instead of the_excerpt() or the_content(), use or within your loop to limit the words for each.
Custom Excerpts - Custom Excerpts allows you to implement custom excerpt text, length, and to choose HTML tags to allow and whether to make the link nofollow or dofollow. Previously the only way to achieve this was to edit the WordPress core file formatting.php which meant changes would be lost after each update.
Excerpt Editor - Excerpt Editor provides a convenient place for creating and editing all excerpts. It can also add custom excerpts for pages (not possible without a plugin).