
Adbrite ads are another one of the top adsense alternatives.I say #2 after Bidvertiser getting a rank of 9 out of 10. It has a highly professional ads system with an attractive outlook of their website too.Lets get to the main thing and tell some benefits and advantages which are unique and decent and really beats adsense by a big margin.


  • The best and unique feature of setting your minimum payout by yourself and that is not it.You can set it to as low as 5$ only, Yes not 50$ it is 5$.Impressive isn't it?That is why it is great ad company for smaller bloggers and website holders too and can earn big money.
  • It shows both type of ads together i.e Cost Per Click (CPC) and Cost Per Impression.
  • It is also a great companion for other ads agencies.Because, if you are running two ads program on one website or blog, then you have an option to set the pricing mode which will show ads according to their price.If adbrite is paying more for an ad on your website or blog it will show it otherwise it will show the other companies ads which is amazing.
  • Adbrite ads have another amazing and unique type of ads feature that is inline ads. Inline ads have an amazing click through rate because they are shown for any 8 double underline keywords on the page, when a visitor rolls his mouse over those keywords he will see a little related ad over it which really attracts people to click it.
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  • Another decent ads type is full page ads.Full page ads ,as the name suggests, shows on the full page except the header of the web page and there is an option of "Skip This Ad" at the top but it does not really look as if the visitor is going out to any other webpage and hence surfs on that ad.However, the full page ads pays on per impressions i.e CPM (A screenshots is at the bottom of this article).
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  • They also pay by pay pal which is the fastest way to get money. However, you can get a check too if you do not have a pay pal account.
  • You can pick which ads to approve and which to deny unlike adsense.
  • There terms and conditions are not as tough as adsense.Hence, they warn you first if something suspicious is going on with your blog or website.
  • The best customer support service I ever see.They litrally want you to earn money and always available to help you out.They reply in less than 48 hours guranteed or even some times in less than 24 hours.So you do not need to worry about any problem if you face, you can always consult them.
  • They accept you into the system within 24 hours and takes 3 hours to take any effects on the ads.
  • The Cost Per Click (CPC) is really good and even beat adsense.However, it increases with the passage of time but trust me I am earning from it more than even adsense.

There are not many conerns but only few which should be kept in mind.

  • It usually takes 20 to 30 days for getting higher Cost Per Click and Cost Per Impression.They do geather the information about your website then they start to pay higher as passage of time.So you have to be patient a bit in the start.
  • Not too much options for ads customization and type.
  • Shows "Your Ad Here" too often if your page is not attracting big number of advertisers to advertise on your page.
Hence, Adbrite ads are better than the adsense and highly ranked and growing network.In the last I'm posting the screen shot of my earning.I earned above 100$ in last 7 days thats amazing isn't it?That is why I am always a bit confused in Adbrite and Bidvertiser as they seems to be head to head like a difference of just 0.005 between them.But,I still prefere Bidvertiser.

Screen shot:(Note: Few Stats are erased because it would be against the terms and conditions of Adbrite Showing all stats to some one.)

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