How to Add Google Analytics to Blogger/Blogspot Blogs

Google analytics is the best way to track your Blog statistics, referrals, usages, traffic, revenue and more such vital informations.
  1. Log on to Google Analytics. If you don’t have an account, get registered for free.
  2. Click on Add Website Profile.
  3. Select Add a profile for a new domain.
  4. Enter your blog’s URL and your local timezone.
  5. Click on Finish button to save your settings and continue.
  6. Now Google analytics will give you a code to add in your blogger blog. Copy the code by pressing Ctrl+A.

Checkout the below screenshot.

google analytics code

Adding Analytics Code to Blogger

You need to add the HTML code provided by Google Analytics in your blog. To do this follow the below mentioned steps.

  1. Log in to your blogger account.
  2. Navigate to your blog’s Layout >> Edit HTML.
  3. Now search for in your template. You can find it in the last rows of your template.
  4. Simply paste the analytics code just above the tag in your template.
  5. Save your template and you are done.

site visitor