
As you can see on my blog, I am mostly using bidvertiser so it gives a clear idea it must be worth having it right? Bidvertiser is a great alternative to Google adsense and ranked as one of the top Google alternatives.Let me explain you its great features in details one by one.


  • Bidvertiser have both the paying options PAY PAL (Mostly people having pay pal mentioning that adsense does not have this feature and it causes them problems etc) and CHECK payment.
  • Minimum payout amount is as low as 10$ (through pay pal). However, 50$ for check ( which is still 50% less than Google adsense.
  • They are the quickest in paying the amount too. Unlike other ad services, they pay at the end of every month. So, you do not have to wait too long for month cycle and stuff.
  • The acceptance procedure into the ads program is super fast. I myself got approved in less than an hour and my blog was only a day old.
  • Custom size ads is another one of the major feature that differs it with all the other ads networks.Hence, you can customize the size,colors and many other properties to fit it into your blog beautifully to increase your revenue dramatically.
  • Cost Per Click (CPC) is the major concern for people going for the alternatives.But, I myself getting around 0.50$ per click and it increases with the passage of time.For proof im showing a screen shot of my earning of a blog I made for a month.
  • The whole procedure is quite transparent, You can see next to the ads about their max bids which gives you a rough idea how much are you going to earn with that particular ad per click.
  • You can choose which ads you want to show and which you don't. Hence, you can block any irrelevant ad if you want or even block those ads which have low bids.
Screen Shot:(Few Stats are erased because it would be against the terms and conditions of Bidvertiser Showing all stats to some one.)

In the end, I am really tired of writing more stuff jokes apart. You will discover further benefits when you join it your self.Hence, It is easily in the top list of top adsense alternatives.
Make money from your Website or Blog with BidVertiser

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