How to Show avatars in Blogger Comments

Blogger is now introducing features every day as part of its 10th birthday celebrations.Now it has formally announced the Blogger Comment avatars. To know what it means take a look at the comments here on this blog and you will see the profiles pictures of the commentators near to the comments.If you are using some default blogger template things would be much easy.Here is a little screenshot of the new feature.

1.First of all Go to Blogger > Settings >Comments and enable “Show profile images on comment”

2.Now if you have a normal un customized template you will see the avatars on the comments on your blog.

3.If you have a customized template you will have to add some codes and play around with your template.For that first go to Blogger Layout >Edit HTML and backup your template.

4.Expand the widget templates and check if you can find this line there

If you can’t then that means we have something to do..

If you couldn’t find this,then do the following steps.


and replace it with

b)Now Find all occurrences of

and replace each of it with

If you are using the author comment highlighting trick and if doesn’t work out with that trick,then leave a comment and i will try to help you out..

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