Welcome to the December 18, 2009, 17-th edition of "Bringing more traffic to your blog" Blog Carnival. Some statistics: Submitted Articles - 48. Published Articles - 19. I want to thank all the authors contributing to the issue. Some articles were excluded from the review, since their topic of discussion did not match the main target of the carnival. I am sorry, that not all submissions were accepted, as some of the excluded articles carried a significant value.
John M presents Why use Blog Directories | jpmblog.com posted at jpmblog.com, saying, "The advantages of using blog carnivals"
GreatManagement presents How To Write Articles � Decide On The Format posted at The Digital Archives, saying, "What does the format have to do with how to write articles? It actually does have some relevance. In fact the newspaper and magazine publishers have made format into an art."
GreatManagement presents Increase your Twitter following with these top 10 Twitter Tools posted at We Build Your Blog, saying, "If you are on Twitter, here are some Twitter tools that will help you manage your tweets and bring more traffic to your site. Enjoy!"
Brian Terry presents Profitable Website Ideas – In Just One Click? posted at Big Selling Website Design.
Cindi presents Your Website is Not Enough posted at Chiropractic Marketing | Chiropractic Advertising, saying, "In 2009, a chiropractor can not rely on simply having a website to bring him new patients from the internet. It’s simply not enough anymore (and likely hasn’t been for a few years.) Now if it was still 1999, and you were the first to get a website up in your town, then you could expect to get new patients from it over the next few years. But by 2004-2005, just about everyone had a website in your area. This brought up a new problem, since there was now quite a bit more competition online."
GreatManagement presents What is the best blogging platform? posted at We Build Your Blog, saying, "There are better platforms than others and choosing the right platform for your blogging journey is crucial."
Zhu presents The Art Of Promoting Your Blog | Correr Es Mi Destino posted at Correr Es Mi Destino, saying, "What most people (including me when I first started) don’t realize, is no matter how great your blog is, chances are that if you don’t promote it, people won’t find it. There are apparently over 50-60 millions blogs worldwide and your blog could be lost in a dark corner of the internet forever if you don’t “hunt” for readers."
Susan Tatum presents Intuition Sucks - That’s Why We Test | Clicks ’n Conversions Blog posted at Clicks ’n Conversions Blog.
Diane J Corriette presents 12 Free and low cost traffic generation tips for bloggers | Make Money Blogging with make money blogging expert Diane Corriette posted at Diane Corriette.
Dragos Roua presents The First Year Of Blogging - Promotion posted at Dragos Roua - The Choice Of A Personal Path.
Thursday Bram presents Scribnia: How Do You Rank Bloggers? by Hyper Modern Writing posted at Hyper Modern Writing.
estudyantengblogdogs presents Repurposing Content posted at Internet Business Make Money Online With Welly Mulia.
20smoney presents Monthly Blog Update: November 2009 posted at 20s Money, saying, "A review of my growth in traffic and online income over the last month including my thoughts on various traffic metrics and how to increase them."
Ziki presents How to Find High Paying Adsense Keywords - Make More Money with Google Adsense posted at Make Money with Youtube.
Susan Tatum presents Are you getting enough? posted at Clicks ’n Conversions Blog.
Leon N. presents The Science of Niche Internet Marketing posted at How to Build Residual Income, saying, "There isn’t really a secret to bringing more traffic to your blog. It just comes down to getting links. However, you can rank #1 for flying monkeys and still not make a dime. You need to be able to pick the right niche."
Justine Mckinley presents Your Niche Is Evolving – Are You? posted at Social Marketing by Michelle MacPhearson, saying, "blog about niche evolution"
Thursday Bram presents Advertising Writing Services: Does It Make Sense? posted at thursdaybram.com.
Thursday Bram presents Business Bloggers: Shifting from Blogging for Yourself posted at Hyper Modern Writing.
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of bringing more traffic to your blog using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
Technorati tags: bringing more traffic to your blog, blog carnival.