- Marketing Apple - MarketingApple.com
- Masters of Marketing - Startup Internet Marketing
- Podcast Marketing eBook - Christopher S. Penn
- Google Adwords Secrets - SEOBook
- Get Viral Get Visitors - Stacie Mahoe
- Marketing With Case Studies - Dynamic Copywriting
- How to Write a Marketing Plan - Geisheker Group
- SEO for WordPress blogs - Blizzard Internet
- Social Web Analytics - Social Web Analytics
- Geeks Guide to Promoting Yourself With Twitter - Geekpreneur
- The Zen of Blogging - Hunter Nutall
- What is Social Media - iCrossing
- A Primer in Social Media - SmashLab
- Effective Internet Presence - Effective Internet Presence
- Introduction to Good Usability - Peter Pixel
- Increasing the Response to Your Email Marketing Program - CRM Transformation
- We Have a Website. Now What? - Craig Rentmeester
- Blogs & Social Media - PRSA
- The Podcast Customer Revealed - Edison Media Research