- You need Internet connection when you work with the site.
- You depend entirely on the site functionality and operation speed.
- You have to provide your login data to get connected to your publishing platform, which many users do not feel comfortable to do.
In the Rating list, I am going to present today, I listed free software assisting bloggers in preparation, formatting, and submission the posts to their hosting sites with minimum amount of time and best outcomes. Presented utilities are to help those using free blogging platforms like Blogger and Wordpress, and those who prefer maintaining their Blog on the independent Web Site using server-based scripts.
I presented this list on this blog for the first time in January 2008, when there were just 14 utilities included. As of today, there are already 39 free computer programs, scripts, and plug-ins on the list. Feel free to review the collection, input your rating and experience, and even add some items that might be currently missing from consideration.
RateItAll List: http://www.rateitall.com/t-24825-blog-publishing-freeware.aspx
The programs with the highest rating are: