Submitting your pages to Social Bookmarking Sites provides multiple opportunities for your content exposure without violating any rules, creating similar publication, and with minimum time and efforts spent. The offer presentation will show you a way to make the process easier for your visitors to submit your site automatically to major social bookmarking site. That might give you an enormous boost in terms of site exposure and related AdSense income.
1. About BlogSocializer
BlogSocializer is a simple widget for your Blogger based blog. It enables blog readers or visitors to submit your blog to major social bookmarking sites, including Digg, Technorati, Delicious, Yahoo! MyWeb, Google Fusion, Blink, Furl, and Simpy.
2. Copy the code
First just copy the widget code below. (right click, than Copy)
[get this widget]
3. Paste the code
Now paste the code to your Blogger template. Can work either on new or classic template. In New template (.xml mode) you can simply add a new widget in ’edit layout’ area. But for classic template you just need to paste it at ’edit html’ area. Just for tips, you may insert the code below post content area. You can find some templates with this widget ready to use at TheFachia.
4. Save and Test
Now time to test your new widget. Try to submit one page of your blog to Digg or Delicious. And see how simple it works. Or you can test the script now as demo how it works. Submit this page to one of your favorite social bookmarking below.
You can find detailed instructions of adding new widget here:
Developers website: