Live Traffic Widget for your Blog - FEEDJIT

Feedjit ( is offering a widget that provides important information about who is visiting your blog or website. An entry is posted to the widget every time a person arrives at your website and again when the person leaves. Feedjit entries list referring web site where your visitors came from, what was their post of interest, and their geographical location. To visualize the gadget, Feedjit also posts a little flag near every entry to indicate what country each visitor is from. Feedjit also offers a separate map widget that shows the locations of the last 100 visitors to your website.

The offered widgets are all free and you do not need to register to get them for your blog or website. They are also extremely lightweight and won’t slow your site down.

If you’re a Blogger or Typepad user you can install any of the widgets with one click. If you use a different blogging platform or website, you can simply cut and paste the provided script into your blog template or website HTML. Feedjit will appear in the position you paste the script.

You can choose from four types of the Widget to install:

  1. Live Traffic Feed
  2. Live Traffic Map
  3. Live Recommended Reading
  4. Live Page Popularity

Take a glance on how the Widget (Live Traffic Feed) looks on the page (screen shot is take from my blog


site visitor