Six Apart has launched a new free open source product into beta called TypePad AntiSpam. The basic spam filtering technology has been already used by the company since May 2007 as built-in feature of TypePad blogs. Now it is offered as a plug-in for other blogging platforms, such as Movable Type and WordPress, and any other platform which supports spam plugins.
TypePad AntiSpam beta is free for any type of use, personal and commercial, regardless of how large your site is and of how many comments you receive daily. In comparison, Akismet, the similar service for WordPress and other platforms, is free for personal use but starts at $5 a month for anyone making more than $500 a month off their blog.
The developed software adapts to the changing spam tactics. You can report any comment that is not welcome to your blog, and the TypePad AntiSpam engine learns from your spam definition, retaining quality comments and enhancing the automatic unwanted entries detection and filtering with every step.
Download the plug-in from the authors Web Site:
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