Their referral system is great too. When you sign up a person you earn 20% of your level 1 referrals. If you can collect quite a few referrals, that can turn into some excellent income from others doing work! Cashcrate not only pays you 20% of your level one referrals, but they implement a 2 level referral system. That means anyone who signs up under your referrals, you will also earn 10% of their earnings. When a referral gets to the $10 minimum you get an automatic $3 bonus! Not only can you earn all that money, once you have 50 active referrals your earnings increase. This is why Cashcrate is one of the best GPT sites. Your earning potential is unlimited.
When you hit the $10 minimum, your money will then be mailed to you on the 20th of the month following your cash out. This means if you earn $100 in August, you will be receiving your money around the 20th September. Your checks are automatically mailed to you and you have nothing to do but EARN!
There is also an excellent help forum on Cashcrate and people are there to answer any and all questions. You also have the ability to send messages to them or your referrals. There is unlimited help for you and unlimited earning potential.