Create your own Internet Radio Station with MediaMaster

MediaMaster is offering you unlimited network web space, where you can store all you audio tracks and access them from any computer connected to Internet or from a streaming player.

Once your tracks are uploaded, you can create and manage playlists, rate individual songs, and share your music with others with embeddable widgets for blogs, Web sites, and social networking profiles.

You can even create your own streaming network radio station on the basis of your collection, and allow visitors of your personal blog or your profile on social networking sites to listen it. You have a complete control over the musical tracks that you would like to share with your virtual friends.

You should not be worried about copyright issues as neither the widget or radio subscriptions actually give people copies of your music, it's all streamed. And, there's no way for them to actually download the music.


If the proposal sounds interesting, sign in:

For those who prefer a visual presentation, I am attaching a small video clip:

It should be cool to give your blog visitors one more reason to visit your site!

site visitor