AdSense Abuse Techniques and Countermeasures by Google

  • You must have seen the use of floating layers on many sites (generally created using DHTML & JavaScript). Since these layers can move dynamically and could be programmed to follow the mouse, Placing Adsense Ads on these layers can be unintentional clicks on the ads. Google therefore does not allow the ads to be placed on floating layers.

  • Images as Graphical pointers beside ad units were preferred way of many ad publishers to grab the attention of the visitor who would otherwise have ignored the ads due to the “ad blindness” behavior. In this technique images or flash objects are used in order to deceive the visitors into clicking the Ad by suggesting a link between the image/flash object and the ads. Google therefore disallows any images or flash objects beside the ads, which could suggest any link between the two.

  • Some publishers tried to hide the “ads by google” tagline by customizing the background color of the page and the color of the ad itself so that it would blend into the page and hardly be visible to the visitor and the ads would look like regular links. Google now uses an image tagline on ads that will not blend into the background.

  • Some publishers altered the adsense code to make the ads appear as a “single line link” and then camouflaged them in between the navigation links or their recommended links. Google strictly prohibits any alteration of its adsense code.

  • Some publishers would load the ad in a floating frame (

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