Stream Music on your Blog with iRadeo

About iRadeo

iRodeo offers the bloggers’ community a free open source MP3 player and online radio streaming platform. You can start streaming your mp3 files with ease, launching your online radio station.

 iRadeo is the simple, easy-to-use technology that allows turning any website or blog into a professional, lively, or altogether unique page. You can even personalize your homepage to have audio that reflects you, or play your own pre-recorded audio files.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Main Features:

  • ·        Fast and easy setup. Register, customize your settings, and upload to start streaming. No other setup required. You can embed player on any website. Nothing to download and no technical skills required.
  • ·         Unlimited streaming. Stream as many MP3 files as you provide, without any restrictions.
  • ·         M3 tags detections. Auto MP3 ID tag detection and display is built-in.
  • ·         Unlimited listeners. No restrictions on number of listeners at the same time.
  • ·         Complete customization. Complete control of the style for the player, including color, size, types of players and field options.
  • ·         Free downloads for your visitors. Enable your listeners to download each stream.

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Interested in exchanging links


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If you are interested in my offer, I would be happy to give you more information.

Thanks and I hope to hear from you soon,


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Promote your blog through Dagaloo

No matter how popular your blog is, there is always not enough if you are rather ambitious blog owner. So the question on how to spread a word about the site always remains on the bloggers’ agenda. Today, we are going to present a new service, based on a Twitter mini-blogging platform, developed by a respected blogger, Nick Cardot, from SiteSketch 101.  The site is called Dagaloo, and it is described as “an intense social media sharing community”. 

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Here’s the basic concept at the heart of this program: help another user by tweeting out a link to their content and in return another user will tweet out a link to your content. Practical implementation is very simple and straightforward. You join the community (where you sign up with your Twitter ID and password).  You then tweet a link to share another member’s content with your followers.  Each time you send a tweet, you are awarded points.  The point system is based on your Klout score

Then you submit your own content and community members will tweet your links to their own followers and earn credits from you for the effort.

To avoid the system misuse, there is a limit for tweets submission to only 1 tweet per 90 seconds, so hopefully as you browse the site, you’ll take the time to find content that you’re truly impressed with to share with others.

Register and promote:

Popular Job Boards For Freelancers/Web Designers

Here is a list of job boards where web designers can actually get paid a reasonable amount for the work they are expected to do. The most important thing to remember is to know what you are worth and don’t compromise yourself.

Elance – You will find that there are many opportunities for freelance web designers here as well as other types of multimedia designers. There really is an impressive selection of jobs available on this website. If you know what you are looking for then you should be able to pick up some high quality freelancing work. Most of those listing jobs know exactly what they are looking for and this makes everything a lot easier.

Krop for designers – The great thing about this website is that it has such an easy to use interface. You will find a lot of information about the clients and the jobs available. It also has a search function so that you can locate the jobs you are after more easily. You should easily be able to find well paying freelancing jobs to meet your specifications.

Odesk – This really is a great resource that seems to always have tons of good quality work available. You will find that some jobs aren’t offering too much money so you need to be careful about what you are applying for. Many of these jobs could be completed in a short time period and appear quite easy to complete. Another great thing about this website is that there are thousands of different tests that allow you to test your capability and knowledge for different subjects. This is useful because it allows clients to be better able to judge what you have to offer them.

Guru – This job board provides opportunities for many different professionals involved in web work. Many of the jobs are related to marketing, but there are plenty of other jobs on offer as well.

Number 5 FreelanceSwitch jobs for designers – This is another great place for picking up work and you will find plenty of opportunities here. Most jobs come with complete descriptions and this will give you a good idea about their suitability. This website does involve a fee of $7 every month, but the standard of the opportunities available makes this worthwhile.

Get a Coder – You will find good opportunities for web designers and programmers on this job board. The interface is not as user-friendly as some of the other sites. On the plus side, there does seem to be some good jobs on offer.

Authentic jobs – This job board offers full time and part time work as well as freelance contract work. You will find a lot of opportunities for programmers, designers, and developers.

Fresh web jobs – This web site is also easy to navigate. The only drawback with this job board is that sometimes there doesn’t seem to be much work on offer. It does often have high quality work for programmers and designers though.

Finding work on all of these job boards can take a bit of effort; this is especially true if you are looking for high quality and well-paying work. You really need to be careful of what you are applying for and just because a job is offering low reward don’t imagine that it will mean less work. The fact is that many of the employers hiring on these sites have no real idea about the value of the work they are trying to hire.

Google Updated AdSense Ad Layouts

The Google AdSense blog announced they have updated the layout of some AdSense units. The main changes were to make the ads “more space-efficient and visually pleasing,” said Google.


  • Leaderboard (728×90): the title, description, and URL are now arranged in rows instead of columns (except in the case when only one ad is showing)
  • Medium and large rectangles (300×250, 336×280): the URL is now in the same line as the title
  • Font size changes to make them more readable

Here is a picture:

Google AdSense New ads

Microsoft To Launch IE9 Beta Next Month

How to track stats directly from the Blogger blog?

I have noticed a new feature Stats in Blogger onsite editor not right away, as it was introduced, but now I am using it all the time. It gives you convenience of instant access to the basic statistics and data of the blog, you are working on. The brief explanation on the new feature is offered on the official Blogger blog.

Although some of you use Google Analytics or other third party tools to track your blog traffic, many of you have requested an easier-to-use, fully-integrated stats feature for Blogger. We heard that, and we are excited to announce that Blogger in Draft now has built-in stats. Just go to Blogger in Draft, and you'll notice a new "Stats" tab. You don't have to install or configure anything to start benefitting from Stats.

The coolest thing about the new Blogger Stats is that it monitors and analyzes your visitor traffic in near-real-time. You can see which posts are getting the most visits and which sites are sending traffic to your blog right now. For example, if a reader shares one of your blog posts on Twitter and the post is getting lots of clicks, you will see a traffic increase in Blogger Stats almost instantly, with the particular Tweet mentioning your post being identified as the traffic source. Of course, traffic data across longer time periods (day/week/month) and all-time historical data are available as well.

There's also a lot more data that's being tracked, such as popular search keywords that send visitors to your blog, which country your visitors come from, and which web browsers they are using. Basically, with the new Stats feature, you know what's going on with your blog right now.

The new Stats feature shows all of this data in a simple, easy-to-understand graphical user interface. Since Stats are part of Blogger, you don't have to sign up for another service, or embed any code in a gadget.

Additionally, if you want the enterprise-level power and flexibility of Google Analytics, you can still use it, as outlined in this Help Center article. Note that the pageview data in Blogger Stats and in Google Analytics may not be identical, due to different collection mechanisms used. Also, Blogger Stats do not support private blogs for now.

Another Online Anti-Virus Service

I have used AVG antivirus and cloud panda antivirus, and iam recently using Kaspersky commercial anti virus, All of which have been quite good products, there are however times, where you need extra security from other viruses, this is where a free online service from VirusTotal comes into reckoning.

You can upload a file from your hard disk or even email the file to scan as an attachment. Following are to use this service using Email :

The sending process is as follows:
  1. Create a new message with as the destination address.
  2. If you wish to receive the results as plain text, write SCAN in the subject field. If you wish to receive an XML attachment with the results, write SCAN+XML in the subject field.
  3. Attach the file to be scanned. Such file must not exceed 20 MB in size. If the attached file is larger, the system will reject it automatically.
Or, Use a small uploader utitlity from

Or, Use the browser addons for Firefox or Chrome

All New Gmail !!

Google has revamped its email service Gmail. The company has overhauled the contact management tool found inside Gmail.

In a blog post Benjamin Grol, Gmail product manager said "An improved Contacts interface has been the number one requested feature from user feedback."
While the core Gmail experience has been changed significantly since its 2004 launch, the Contacts interface has not seen too many changes. The new version of Gmail's contact manager, which Google says is already in the process of going out to users, brings with it a number of changes and addons.

* Mail, Contacts, and Tasks links have moved to the top left of Gmail.

* Compose mail is now a button rather than a link.

* A smaller header area puts the first message in users' inbox.

* The Select All, None, Read, Unread, and Starred links that used to be above your messages are now options in a drop-down menu, next to the Archive button.

* Keyboard shortcuts now work in Contacts too, and Google has made selecting and grouping contacts more like selecting and labeling email.

* Users can now sort contacts by last name. Look under More actions for this option.

* Use custom labels for phone numbers and other fields.

* Now, when users have the option to undo their recent changes.

* Automatic saving: This means users no longer need to worry about 'edit' mode or `view' mode — just edit away and Gmail will save your changes.

* Structured name fields: Users can now set name components (i.e. Title, First, Middle, Last and Suffix) explicitly or continue to use the name field as a free form area if they prefer a less structured approach.

* Manual and bulk contact merge: Users can now merge contacts from the More actions menu. All they need to do is select the contacts they would like to merge and select Merge contacts from under the More actions menu.

21st Edition of Blog Carnival - Bringing more traffic to your blog

Welcome to the August 8, 2010, 21st edition of "Bringing more traffic to your blog" Blog Carnival. Some statistics: Submitted Articles - 35. Published Articles - 15. I want to thank all the authors contributing to the issue. Some articles were excluded from the review, since their topic of discussion did not match the main target of the carnival. I am sorry, that not all submissions were accepted, as some of the excluded articles carried a significant value.

Jennifer Silverman presents Blog Sponsorship Program Expanded into Giveaway Blogs Network! posted at Online Printing & Print Design Blog |, saying, "Details about a giveaway network where bloggers and marketers can connect for giveaways, product reviews, advertising opportunities, contests, and more. All you have to do is join!"

Linders presents 24 Australian Social Media Super Heroes posted at Compare Australian Credit Cards and Offers, saying, "24 Australian Social Media Super Heroes features some of the biggest bloggers in the business and shares how they’ve managed to make it so big in the busy world of blogging. Happy reading!"

C.F. Jackson presents Why Capture Email Addresses of Your Website Visitors? posted at Email Marketing Tools | Email Marketing Services Dunwoody | Direct Email Marketing, saying, "Have you been struggling with marketing to existing customers? If you haven’t captured email addresses of your website visitors, then your ability of building relationships with existing customers will be expensive and challenging. Let’s take a look at one of the easiest ways you market to your existing clients."

Princess presents Hire a Blogger: Tips on Choosing a Professional Blogger posted at Blogs and Content, saying, "Don’t have time to make posts for your blog? Hire a professional blogger to make your blog more successful."

Bonnie Landau presents Learn SEO from Your Online Competitors posted at Simple Web Toolbox, saying, "Your competitors are a wealth of information to help you improve your SEO efforts."

Franck Silvestre presents Build Backlinks to Make Money Online posted at Internet Marketing Mentor.

Carl Ringwall presents Autoblog To Wordpress Using PostFeedr | Data SystemsPlus posted at Data SystemsPlus.

GreatManagement presents In Praise Of Spam posted at We Build Your Blog, saying, "The joy of your first comment�and the disappointment that it is spam"

Katie Sorene presents How to Make Your Blog Famous With Just 1 Post posted at Travel Blog - Tripbase, saying, "This is the story of a blog post that went viral. Just one post that spread like wildfire through the blogosphere driving tens of thousands of visitors to the Tripbase Travel Blog. Read on to find out how it was done...."

Deb Bixler presents Best Email Marketing Tips posted at Direct Sales / MLM Cash Flow, saying, "Learn how to write and effective subject line so that your emails get read."

Warren presents Four ways to boost your creativity when writing posted at The Psychology Study Guide, saying, "You can’t make money blogging if you can’t write! Here are a few creativity-boosting tips."

Steven and Debra presents Smirky Mainstream Media Zombies Attack Back-Alley Bloggers posted at The END TIMES Hoax, saying, "Look who’s calling the kettle black."

Stephanie Moore presents All The Traffic You Want For Just Pennies Per Click posted at Social Marketing by Michelle MacPhearson, saying, "Great article on bringing more traffic to your blog"

Luke Geraghty presents What Is Reddit, Who Is A Reddit User And How Do I Get On The Front Page? posted at Luke, saying, "A complete guide to the social media site reddit and how to net yourself that front page spot for thousands, if not tens of thousands, of visits."

Joe Revod presents Unusual Or Weird (Email Marketing Tricks)? posted at Internet Business Make Money Online With Welly Mulia.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of bringing more traffic to your blog using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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200,000 Android Phones Sold Every Day :Google

If there are still doubts about the Android juggernaut, the latest numbers from Google should help settle it. Some 200,000 new Android devices are being sold each day, up from about 100,000 just two months ago, says Google CEO Eric Schmidt.

Schmidt told attendees at the Techonomy conference, “Android is not just phenomenal but incredibly phenomenal in its growth rate.”

Google’s comment comes on the heels of data from Nielsen earlier this week that showed, for the first time, that people in the U.S. bought more Android phones than iPhones.

Research firm iSuppli predicts Android’s market share will surpass that of the iPhone’s iOS in 2012.

By 2012, Android will be used in 75 million smartphones, up from 5 million in 2009, says iSuppli. IOS will be in 62 million phones in 2012, up from 25 million in 2009.

That means in two years, android will have a 19.4 percent market share worldwide among smartphone operating systems, up from 2.7 percent in 2009. Apple’s iOS for the iPhone will see its share go up to 15.9 percent in 2012 from 13.8 percent in 2009, says iSuppli.

Android’s rapid growth should come as no surprise to industry watchers. Since Google worked with HTC and T-Mobile to launch the first Android-based smartphone in 2008, the open-source operating system has been adopted by major handset manufacturers including Samsung, Motorola and HTC.

“The OS started with entry-level models in 2008, but the flexibility Android offers for hardware designs and its appealing business model in terms of revenue sharing have attracted vigorous support,” says Tina Teng, senior analyst, wireless communications for iSuppli.

7 Wordpress Plugins to get more visitors to your blog

There are many ways to directly increase traffic to your blog, but there are even more indirect ways to give your blog traffic a significant boost. Using the Wordpress plugins listed below, you can automate the process of leveraging some of the best blog traffic building opportunities available through search engine optimization, social bookmarking and social networking. There's even a Wordpress plugin to help you use Twitter to increase traffic to your blog!

The SEO Title Tag plugin allows you to override the automated title tags that Wordpress sets for your blog posts and pages, so you can use keywords in your title tags that are far more search engine-friendly than the words in your actual post or page titles.

The All in One SEO Pack plugin does exactly what its name implies - it allows you to add title tags, descriptions, keywords and more to every page and post published on your blog. Users consistently report a noticeable increase in traffic to their blogs from Google searches after installing and using the All in One SEO Pack plugin.

Google XML Sitemaps is a plugin made with a specific search engine optimization benefit in mind - to help Google find every post and every page on your blog, index them and include them in search results. This plugin is particularly helpful for blogs that want to get indexed by search engines quickly.

The tagging functionality in Wordpress is great, but the Simple Tags plugin takes it to a whole new level. Great tags can boost your blog's search traffic, so adding the Simple Tags plugin is a great way to get started.

WP-Notable adds icons at the end of each blog post you publish asking visitors to your blog to share the posts they read through Digg, StumbleUpon, Delicious, and so on. Making it easy for people to submit your content to social bookmarking sites by using a plugin like WP-Notable can give your blog a boost in exposure and traffic.

TweetThis is a great Wordpress plugin to help you increase the likelihood for visitors to your blog to share your posts through Twitter thereby increasing potential blog traffic. When you install the plugin, an invitation link is included at the end of your blog posts suggesting that readers "TweetThis" and share a link to the post they're reading through their Twitter feed.

The WP-Email plugin is a must-have. When you install this plugin, a message and link is included at the end of every post enabling visitors to send posts they like to friends via email with a single mouse click. Allowing readers to introduce other people to your blog through emailed posts is a great way to pick up some new visitors!


Backup your Mobile Phone data in a secure place free for future transfer

Mobical is a service that stores your essential personal phone data in a secure place – for free. If your phone is stolen or damaged, you will be able to restore all information to a new phone.

Funny Things for your Blog has lots of funny pictures and videos that can be embedded on your blog, the following pictures are just a teaser of the good stuff you can find for your blog.

Funny Pictures

Funny Pictures

Twitter to suggest the People you want to Follow

The micro-blogging service began rolling out a new feature Friday called "Suggestions for You" which directs users to other Twitter accounts they may find interesting.

"With more than a hundred million users on Twitter, there are sure to be at least dozens of accounts out there that will reflect your interests," Twitter said on its official blog.

"The trouble is finding all of them," it said. "Today we're beginning to roll out a simple, but powerful new feature to help address that."

Twitter said the "Suggestions for You" algorithms find other accounts of potential interest using various factors, including "people you follow and the people they follow."

A Twitter user who clicks on the "Who to Follow" link on the Twitter homepage sees a list of suggested accounts to follow.

Twitter, which combines the strengths of blogs and instant messaging services, enables users to send and receive short messages of up to 140 characters on personal computers and mobile devices.

Twitter said it planned to make the suggestions feature available to developers of desktop and mobile applications for Twitter.

Social network Facebook already offers a similar feature called "People You May Know" which suggests possible new friends to members.

PayPal Restored bank withdrawal Service in India

Just a couple of days back, PayPal had shocked a lot of Indian users by announcing that starting August 1, PayPal would not allow electronic withdrawal of funds from any PayPal account in India. The only option would be to request for a withdrawal of funds by cheque. According to PayPal, this decision had to be taken in accordance with "regulatory instructions".

However, what comes as a relief is that PayPal has restored electronic withdrawals for its India-based users. On the company's official blog, corporate communication spokesperson Dickson Seow apologized for the inconvenience caused and thanked users for their support.

Also, PayPal said it will continue to provide the $5 processing fee refund for any cheque withdrawals made from July 29 until further notice.

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