Re-order categories in Wordpress navigation

Usually plugin allows you to set the order in which categories will appear in the sidebar. But some code tweaks and My Category Order Plugin installation helps you in reordering categories in wordpress menu navigation through the drag and drop interface

1. Install My Category Order Plugin
2. In header.php find the catgory listing code

for eg:

3. Replace the above code with the following


you are done...

How to Add an Online Image Editor to Your Website?

If you have a website which works with images (for example, lets users upload images or share images on your website to their social media networking accounts) then it would be a great idea to provide your site visitors with the option to edit images online. If a person wants to set his profile picture on your site, he can upload the original photo and then edit it in the online editor (available on your site) then put up the resultant image as the picture. Similarly if you have a funny picture up on your site which users can share on Facebook, enabling them to edit it online makes things more convenient in case they want to crop the image.

You do not need to do anything extremely fancy with you site’s code to add an online image editor on your website; all you need is Picmeleo.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Picmeleo is a free online photo editor that any third-party developers can integrate to their website. To use the service, click on the blue SIGN UP BUTTON on the homepage and create an account by entering yours and your website’s details.

After signing into your account, you can obtain the code for the editor; all you will need to do now is embed this code into your site and you will have given your site visitors an online image editor.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

You can also preview the editor before actually pasting the code on your blog. The loading process may take a little whole so give it some time. Here’s how it looks

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Some of the tools this editor contains are Crop, Scale, Rotate, Auto-fix, and Filters. If you do not want your users to be able to extensively edit the image on your site, you can choose to exclude some tools which Picmeleo offers in its editor. This is a unique feature of this online image editor.

Overall the easy integration of Picmeleo into your website is what makes it so special.

Recently, Picmeleo have launched a new photo tagging tool called Picmeleo Alive (Beta) that allows you to tag photos with mouseover bubbles. Bubbles appear only if you move your mouse over the photo so they don't affect your original photo. Tagged photos can be embedded to blogs or shared with a permanent URL.

Experts predict the world will run out of internet addresses in less than a year

The internet protocol used by the majority of web users, IPv4, provides for about four billion IP addresses -- the unique 32-digit number used to identify each computer, website or internet-connected device.

There are currently only 232 million IP addresses left -- enough for about 340 days -- thanks to the explosion in smartphones and other web-enabled devices.

"When the IPv4 protocol was developed 30 years ago, it seemed to be a reasonable attempt at providing enough addresses," carrier relations manager at Australian internet service provider (ISP) Internode John Lindsay told the Herald.

"Bearing in mind that at that point personal computers didn't really exist, the idea that mobile phones might want an IP address hadn't occurred to anybody because mobile phones hadn't been invented [and] the idea that air-conditioners and refrigerators might want them was utterly ludicrous."

The solution to the problem is IPv6, which uses a 128-digit address. It would give everyone in the world more than four billion addresses each, but most of the internet industry has so far been reluctant to introduce it.

It would require each device that connects to the internet to be reconfigured or upgraded, with some users even being forced to buy new hardware, the Sydney Morning Herald reported.

In the meantime ISPs may force multiple customers to share IP addresses, which may lead to common applications, such as Gmail and iTunes, ceasing to work.

There are also fears a black market of IP addresses may spring up.

Google Translate Widget for Blogger

Google now offers a new tool as a piece of javascript which can be added to your site or blog.

The code to add this useful tool can be found at Blogger users can use the widget below to add this tool to their blog.

[One Click Add +]

India unveils $35 touch-screen computer

Indian Minister for Human Resource Development Kapil Sibal unveils the "laptop" device in Delhi on 22 July 2010

The Indian government has unveiled the prototype of an iPad-like touch-screen laptop, with a price tag of $35 (£23), which it hopes to roll out next year.

Aimed at students, the tablet supports web browsing, video conferencing and word processing, say developers.

Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal said a manufacturer was being sought for the gadget, which was developed by India's top IT colleges.

An earlier cheap laptop plan by the same ministry came to nothing.

The device unveiled on Thursday has no hard disk, using a memory card instead, like a mobile phone, and can run on solar power, according to reports.

It would cost a fraction of the price of California-based technology giant Apple's hugely popular iPad, which retails from $499.Mr Sibal said the Indian tablet, said to run the Linux operating system, was expected to be introduced to higher education institutions next year.

The plan was to drop the price eventually to $20 and ultimately to $10, he added.

Unveiling the gadget, the human resource development minister told the Economic Times newspaper it was India's answer to the "$100 laptops" developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US.

"The solutions for tomorrow will emerge from India," Mr Sibal said, reports news agency AFP.

Last year, one of the ministry's officials announced it was about to unveil a $10 laptop, triggering worldwide media interest.

But there was disappointment after the "Sakshat" turned out to be a prototype of a handheld device, with an unspecified price tag, that never materialised.

To develop its latest gadget, the ministry said it had turned to the elite Indian Institute of Technology, and the Indian Institute of Science, after a lacklustre response from the private sector.

Mamta Varma, a ministry spokeswoman, said the device was feasible because of falling hardware costs.

Several global manufacturers, including at least one from Taiwan, had expressed interest in making the device, she said, although no deals had been agreed, and she declined to name any of the companies.

The project is part of a government initiative which also aims to extend broadband to all of India's 25,000 colleges and 500 universities.

In 2005, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) unveiled the prototype of a $100 laptop for children in the developing world, although it ended up costing about double that price.

In May, Nicholas Negroponte - of the MIT's Media Lab - announced plans to develop a basic tablet computer for $99 through his non-profit association, One Laptop per Child.

Top Social Bookmarking Plugins for WordPress


SocialgridSocialgrid Homepage →
SocialGrid is a simple widget that makes it easy to add and organize links to your various profiles on the internet.
It currently supports the following services: Brightkite, Delicious, deviantART, Digg, Dopplr, Ember, Facebook, Flickr, Friendfeed, Google Profile,, LinkedIn, MySpace, Picasa Web, Posterous, Qik, Readernaut, Reddit, RSS, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Twitter, Technorati, Viddler, Vimeo, Virb, and YouTube!
Requires WP Version: 2.8 or higher.


GetSocialGetSocial Homepage →
GetSocial adds an intelligent, lightweight, quick to setup floating social media sharing box on your blog posts that is always visible and accessible even if the user scrolls down the page. Its out-of-the-box functionality includes the Tweetmeme Retweet button, Facebook Share button, Google Buzz button and the Stumbleupon Submit button. You can quite easily add any number of additional social media sharing buttons.
Requires WP Version: 2.7 or higher.

Drag to Share eXtended

Drag to Share eXtendedDrag to Share eXtended Homepage →
WP Drag to Share eXtended is a plugin that allow to your readers to share one of your blog’s pages (through your article’s images) on the social networks sites such as Twitter and Facebook but also on Delicious.
Requires WP Version: 2.8 or higher


AddToAnyAddToAny Homepage →
AddToAny allows you to share, bookmark, and email your posts and pages using any service, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Digg, Delicious, and well over 100 more social bookmarking and sharing sites. The button comes with AddToAny's customizable Smart Menu, which places the services visitors use at the top of the menu, based on each visitor's browsing and usage history.
Requires WP Version: 2.0 or higher.


SociableSociable Homepage →
Sociable automatically adds links to your favorite social bookmarking sites on your posts, pages and in your RSS feed. You can choose from 99 different social bookmarking sites. (Sociable is what we are currently using on Speckyboy).
Requires WP Version: 2.6 or higher


SexyBookmarksSexyBookmarks Homepage →
Though the name may be a little "edgy" for some, SexyBookmarks has proven time and time again to be an extremely useful and successful tool in getting your readers to actually submit your articles to numerous social bookmarking sites.
Requires WP Version: 2.7 or higher.

Digg Digg Plugin

Digg Digg PluginDigg Digg Plugin Homepage →
The Digg Digg plugin is an all-in-One social vote buttons including the following services: Digg, Reddit, dDone, Yahoo Buzz, TweetMeme(twitter), facebook share, facebook like, Polladium, StumbleUpon, Delicious, Sphinn, Google Buzz, Designbump, Designfloat, WebBlend and BlogEngage.
Requires WP Version: 2.0 or higher.


SocializeSocialize Homepage →
Socialize is an easy way to selectively add actionable social bookmarks to your posts. You can add bookmarks in two places: Inside the content (aligned left or right) or in a box below the content.
Instead of adding new meta keys like other plugins require, there is an additional panel in your posts admin that allows you to select which bookmarks you want to display. This is to encourage people to choose more relevant bookmarks for their posts. You are also provided with a box at the bottom of your posts that asks readers to subscribe and comment.
Requires WP Version: 2.7 or higher.

Light Social

Light SocialLight Social Homepage →
This is a super lightweight plugin that inserts a set of social share links at the bottom of each post. With this plugin you have simple options to configure – Simply enable or disable to show or not the bookmark social links. Very simple. It is all is implemented using the most simplistic html code to ensure fast load and minimal impact on your blog.
Requires WP Version: 2.9 or higher.

Share and Follow

Share and FollowShare and Follow Homepage →
Share and Follow has been designed for the average users to use and is ideal for developers who want to save time. It gives links to the most prominent Social Networking sites for sharing and following, presented in many different formats (widgets/shortcode/template tag/auto added).
Requires WP Version: 2.9.0 or higher.

Social Bookmarks

Social Bookmarks is a WordPress plugin, with an AJAX front-end interface, that adds a list of XHTML compliant graphic links at the end of your posts that allow your visitors to easily submit them in a number of different social bookmarking sites.
The plugin supports more than fifty sites and that is without including the sites of the available Site Packs.
Requires WP Version: 2.5.1 or higher.
Social Bookmarks Homepage →

2.5 Million Muslims Threaten To Leave Facebook

2.5 Million Muslims Threaten To Quit FacebookMillions of Muslim Facebook users are threatening to quit the social network after Islamic pages were removed.

The 2.5 million protesters have threatened to switch to an Islamic social network 'Medina' if Facebook does not restore the pages by midnight on 21 July.

Among the pages removed by the social networking giant are 'I love Mohammed' and 'Quran Lovers', which Facebook says were used to spam users.

A letter posted by the protesters on the website states: “Although you have attended the world's best communication skills courses you have been most successful in growing great hatred and hostility between you and Muslims around the world, but seriously this time you have caused an almost unrepairable [sic] damage.”

The protesters have also asked the company to introduce new rules that make posting anti-Islamic comments a violation of Facebook terms of use.

The letter also condemned the 'Everybody draw Muhammad Day' pages that urged users to draw caricatures of the Prophet and led to the site being temporarily banned in Pakistan.

Discover income potential for your blog with AdGenta

AdGenta is an easy and powerful way for you to unlock the revenue potential of your website or blog. It offers you an opportunity to embed ads anywhere you can place a picture – in your blog post, on your website, in your RSS feed. Because you choose the keywords for your post, you are in a better control of the ad your website visitors see – it is no longer bound to the content, but to your knowledge of your readers and what you are writing.

AdGenta is a powerful way for you to monetize your content – you are free to choose when and where your ads are placed, what they look like, and what ad is displayed. You can use them as little or as much as you want.

What is AdGenta?

AdGenta is an advertising network that frees writers from traditional constraints in advertising. It delivers relevant advertising, based on user defined keywords, as image based text ads that can then be used on websites, in blog posts, and in RSS feeds.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Signing up is easy 
  1. Fill out the form here
  2. You get a confirmation email, than just follow instructions to confirm your email address address.
  3. Start placing ads!
Customize AdGenta

You can customize the appearance of your ads, choosing from a wide range of colors, sizes, and formats. The default ad performs highly on all blog types, but you are in full control to customize your ads.

Choose when & where
AdGenta is not a program you turn on or off for your entire site. AdGenta lets you insert keyword-driven advertisements when and where you want. You can choose to put it in all your posts, or only a few. Each time you insert an ad, you have the option to change how it looks.

You can place the ads anywhere you like in your post, allowing you to decide how things look. The ads are totally flexible because they are images.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Comparing Keyword vs. Contextual Advertising

Keyword advertising focuses on the human brain - what a person really thinks about what they've written, and how they think readers will interact with that. Many bloggers will describe their posts in specific terms, often using the same words to tag a post, but some bloggers choose complimentary words - those words that may appeal to the readers, even if not specifically mentioned in the post.

Advertising options

  • Aside from keyword vs. contextual, you have the option as well of image/banner vs. text ads. Each has shown to be effective in certain situations, but text ads perform overall far better
  • Text ads have the advantage of looking like content, and seamlessly integrating with it.
  • Ads placed close to, or within, content perform better
  • Ads that can be formatted to alter size, color, etc to customize to blog features will outperform those that cannot
  • Putting ads in blogs can be post- or blog-centric
Post-centric vs. blog-centric or feed-centric advertising

  • Advertising on blogs can be focused on the blog itself, the feed, or on the post.
  • Blog-centric advertising treats the blog as the main element for revenue. The concept behind this is to capture people who physically go to the website to see the ads. This usually requires placing the ad code into the blog template, and knowledge of HTML at minimum.
  • Feed-centric advertising is designed to attract people to ads in RSS feeds. These ads are not visible on the blog/website, and are only visible through RSS readers to the blog subscribers.
  • Post-centric advertising is focused on a combination approach that will captivate attention from people at the site, as well as subscribers to the RSS feed. Ads are placed within the blog posts individually, and these ads will flow through to the RSS feed where they can also be seen.

Lost your wordpress blog admin username/password ? Here is a fix

If you lost your wordpress administrator username/password accidentally , here is the stpe-by-step process on how to to remake a user with administrative powers.

How to Add an Admin User to the Wordpress Database

Thanks to dnawebagency on this great tip

Make you Fairer on Facebook : Vaseline Launches Facebook app that "whitens" your profile pic

The fact that India has always been obsessed with fair skin is well known. Thanks to this obsession, popularity of creams that promise a lighter shade of skin in a matter of few weeks have always been high. While until now, these promotions were restricted to print and Television advertisements, a new fairness cream has broken traditional grounds by giving itself a social media platform and even has an app of its own.

Vaseline has made a new application for users on Facebook to promote its fairness cream for men. What is more interesting is what the application actually does. Using the app, users can make the skin tone on their profile pics a few shades lighter so that they can "preview" their look should they become fairer after using the cream. The page already has 500 plus fans and it is likely that the number would go up pretty fast - mostly with members from our Fairness obsessed country.

The people behind the ad have claimed that the campaign has been a roaring success, as told to the AFP. However, questions are already being raised over the "racist" nature of the app. Vaseline has roped in popular Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor to promote the cream. We wonder why Shahid, who is a far cry from being dark complexioned, would require a fairer complexion to become more attractive? Same is the case with Shahrukh khan who promotes a rival brand.

Picture a scenario of a similar application or an advertisement appearing in U.S. Will a product that is named "Healthy White Body Milk" ever sell in U.S.? Do you think the U.S. authorities would ever approve of a racist name like that? We don't think so.

We wonder whatever happened to the concept of the tall, dark and handsome man. Or is it that this concept has a conditions apply asterisk that says "excludes India"?

Would you change the color of your Facebook profile pic a few shades lighter? Leave us a comment and let us know.

Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini

Android phones are quite complicated. The different versions (Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo) denote what kind of dessert you’re being treated to at the Android app buffet.

Each version brings more features, but the upgrade involves more complications. The end user may have to wait for months to get updates after purchase. The HTC Hero got the 2.1 firmware update in India only last week. For its users, it was like an extra dollop of cream with a cherry on top. However, of the dozen Android phones available in India, a majority of them are still riding on version 1.5 or 1.6, and might never see version 2.1 or 2.2 before the end of their mobiles’ lifecycle.

Most manufacturers using the Android OS regard it as the vanilla ice cream layer, and insist on serving it with nuts and chocolate to demand a hefty premium over affordable feature phones. Probably, the best example of this is HTC’s Sense UI (user interface) overlay. Other manufacturers including Samsung, LG, and Acer, have made their own UI skins (overlays).

Sony, of course, with all its design and lifestyle aspirations associated with the brand has added plenty of chique to the geek on the Sony Ericsson Xperia series.

While most geeks take to Androids like ducks to water, I’m not sure if most people care about running an open standards OS on their handsets. Statistics on Androids show that males have a higher preference for this. In contrast, the X10 Mini, aka E10i, is preferred by the ladies.

Specs wise, the Xperia X10 is similar to the HTC Tattoo. It runs on Android 1.6 (Donut), and is priced at around the same range. It betters the former with a capacitive screen which has dual-touch capability. This allows two-finger interaction and gestures like pinch, pivot and rotate. Also notable is its 5-megapixel camera with LED flash, and the ability to record VGA resolution video at 30 FPS.

The Xperia X10 Mini has a proprietary UI implementation called Timescape, that brings data from all your communication nodes -- SMS, email, missed calls, Facebook and Twitter updates chronologically on the homescreen. So, you don’t have to open each app to see what’s going on. I experienced little or no lag on this phone and found the battery life tolerable, thanks to its smaller screen.

Show/Hide sidebar widgets for specific pages/posts in Wordpress

Widget Logic

Tplugin gives every widget an extra control field called "Widget logic" that lets you control the pages that the widget will appear on.

The text field lets you use WP's Conditional Tags, or any general PHP code.

There is also an option to add a wordpress 'widget_content' filter -- this lets you tweak standard widgets to suit your theme without editing plugins and core code.

RSS Graffiti – Automatic Updates of your Facebook Wall with your Blog Posts

The popularity of Facebook has skyrocketed over the past few years, making it a valuable tool both for friends and families who want to stay in touch and businesses who want to market their products on social media sites. One great way to do either of these things is to set up an RSS feed on Facebook.

Using these steps, you can have your personal blog post automatically to your Facebook news feed, so your friends and family can keep up with what you are doing. You can even post your Twitter updates to your Facebook wall, and even make your Twitter status become your Facebook status.

For businesses, posting the company blog on Facebook can be a great way to keep customers informed. You can even post an RSS feed to a Facebook fan page. Setting up an RSS feed on Facebook can also do wonders for writers who want to promote their writing on the web.

To publish your blog posts to your Facebook profile or fan page automatically you need to add an application to your Facebok account first. There are many RSS applications to auto publish your blog’s content. These apps adds your RSS feeds, monitors for any update and publish it automatically to your Facebook profile and/or fan page so you don’t have to share your blog posts manually to your Facebook friends, every time you update your blog.

RSS Graffiti is one of the apps for this purpose I personally use and recommend to fellow bloggers.  

This RSS feed application is simple enough to set up in a few minutes, yet offers enough customization that you can really make your RSS feed appear the way you want it to look.

Some things RSS Graffiti can do:
1) Display your articles with or without the associated images.
2) Append a prefix to your article posts.
3) Display Twitter tweets in a short format.
4) Convert Twitter status updates to Facebook status updates.

How to install?

1. Sign in to
3. Choose your profile and/or fan page from left column and click green
+Add Feed” button on the right.
4. Put in your blog’s feed URL and make other changes below that.
Click Preview to confirm the link and to view how it will look like as an update status.
5. Hit “Save” and that’s it.

Developers’ website:

Opera Mini 5.1 Optimized For 3000 Phones

Opera Mini 5 was a significant update to the world’s most popular mobile browser, which made it a whole lot more awesome. Unfortunately for some users, Opera Mini 5 didn’t work on the absolute low-end handsets that Opera Mini 4 handled with aplomb.

Opera Mini 5.1, the first significant update to Opera Mini 5, is optimized to run on phones with low memory. The updated build features a refined skin with improved tab handling and introduces overall performance improvements.


While this update is not critical for smartphone users, it is a highly recommended update for everyone using Opera Mini on low-end handsets (especially those who have been encountering out of memory issues).

“The goal with Opera Mini is to make the Web available to anyone, anywhere, regardless of where they come from or the handset they have,” said Lars Boilesen, CEO, Opera Software. “More than 61 million people on over 3000 devices have chosen to surf the Web with Opera Mini for fast and easy Internet access at a considerably lower cost.”

You can find out more about Opera Mini 5 from our previous articles. Opera Mini can be downloaded from and Desktop wallpapers celebrating the new release are also available from the Opera Design Blog.

Airtel Offers Free Facebook for Two Months


Airtel has announced the free availability of Facebook's mobile site for it users. Airtel users can avail this facility for two months without paying any charge. These users will be able to post status updates, comment and write on walls, message others, and also be able to view or upload photo. The free acess to Airtel subscribers will be available for the month of July and August.

Airtel has also announced that subscribers will be able to access Facebook in five additional Indian languages such as Punjabi, Bengali, Telugu, Tamil, and Malayalam by 15th of July. Currently subscribers can access it in Hindi and English. Commenting on the launch, Henri Moissinac, Head of Mobile Business, Facebook said “Working closely with Bharti Airtel is a great opportunity to bring our full mobile experience to their 130 million customers across India.

It will be interesting to see if the prices are dropped for accessing Facebook after these two months or it is just an offer to attract more youngsters to the network.

Mozilla Releases Firefox 4 Beta


Mozilla on Wednesday released the Firefox 4 public beta, the latest iteration of the free, open-source Web browser.

The new release comes several days after Mozilla released the first pre-release code for Firefox 4, and the updated version brings a number of changes designed to enhance the browser's usability and security.

The obvious change is the browser's look. Like Chrome and Opera, tabs are now located at the top of the browser (Windows only), and a new add-on manager is included to make it easier to find plugins.

Under the hood, Firefox 4 beta 1 heightens security, offers crash protection, supports technologies that are vying to become new Web standards (HTML5 and WebM), and contains other bells and whistles.

The download is available on the Mozilla Web site. Look for a hands-on with Firefox 4 beta shortly at

Google Adds Real-Time Stats To Blogger

Blogger, Google’s blog publishing platform, has just been given a useful new feature many a Blogger user will appreciate: near real-time statistics (via Louis Gray).

Dubbed Blogger Stats, the feature is available for all non-private Blogger blogs. The only catch is you’ll only see the new ‘Stats’ tab when you go to

Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini

Features and Performance

The Android OS (v1.6) runs on the Mini’s Qualcomm MSM7227 600MHz processer making the UI extremely zippy. Sony Ericsson’s TimeScape UI (seen in the X10 ) works well here. The Four Corner UI is convenient and simple to set up and use. It offers multiple desktops but can only have a single widget per page. The UI is smooth and easy to navigate easily with just your thumb. It’s well designed. And looks and feels very much QUALCOMM’s Brew Platform rather than Android.

Music quality is great. The player is simple and capable of providing loud and clear tones even without any settings. The Infinity button enables you to get additional information on each track from corresponding YouTube videos to other data with the press of a key. The FM radio didn’t work out too well. Reception was not very good even in areas where I usually get great reception. TrackID is also available for getting data on songs via external source or the radio. The handset supports 3GP and MPEG4 files even if they’re in iPhone resolution. Of course the screen size and resolution doesn’t make it easy to watch for too long, irrespective of how clear it is. A couple of games have been preloaded and of course if you want more, the Android Marketplace is a great place to look.

Better Post Preview in Blogger

Many bloggers are previewing their posts multiple times before they are satisfied with them for public viewing. Blogger in Draft now supports a new, improved preview feature that allows you to see how your post will actually look to your readers.

On the New Post page, click on the Preview button (this is a new button that we’ve just added), and you will see a new window open with the WYSIWYG preview of the post. This is how your blog post will appear to your readers when you hit publish, with the same format and style of your current Blogger theme.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Please note that the preview page does not automatically update as the contents of the post changes. To make sure the post looks OK after you've done further editing, you can refresh the preview page manually, or click the Preview button again.

Madonna's daughter turns fashion blogger

Madonna's teenage daughter Lourdes Leon has become a fashion blogger.


The 13-year-old has started a fashion blog to write about Material Girl, the fashion range she is set to launch with her mother at Macy's.

"Helluuur thurrrr, I'm Lola and this is my first blog entry so it's kind of like ummmm," Lourdes wrote on the blog.

Lourdes wrote about turning 14 in the post.

She enthused: "I'll be 14 in October, so I can't wait for that because I am FINALLY allowed to dye my hair… THANK YOU MOTHER!!"

The teen revealed that her fashion line would be "'80s themed" and that her favourite band is My Chemical Romance.

SMS addicts at risk of post-traumatic text disorder

Texting teens are just doing what comes naturally

Textaphrenia, post-traumatic text disorder, textiety, binge texting are other maladies that await the text-addicted, Australian researcher Jennie Carroll said yesterday.

Carroll, of Melbourne's RMIT University, was commenting on figures from service provider Boost Mobile that SMS traffic had almost doubled in volume since 2008.

One of its teenage customers was averaging 444 messages a day.

Among the possible downsides of SMSing, outlined by Carroll:

Textaphrenia is the mistaken belief that you have heard the beep of an incoming SMS.

Post-traumatic text disorder is when texters walk into things or become oblivious to what is around them.

Textiety is the crisis of confidence when time goes by without an SMS being received, while Binge texting is the sending a blizzard of SMSes to boost confidence.

"With textaphrenia and textiety, there's a feeling 'no one loves me, no one's contacted me'," Carroll said.

She said binge texting could either reflect the delusion you had more friends than you actually had, or be a cry for help. "You think you've been left out of the loop so you send a lot of texts and wait for the response," Carroll said. - Sapa-dpa

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