Magazine Blogger Templates

Versatility Lite [Demo | Release Page] - A clean, unique template for Blogger that is fairly easy to setup.

Versatility Lite Template

WP-Premium Blogger Template [Demo | Release Page] - A red/brown/white theme converted to Blogger from WordPress. It features advertisement options, tabbed are for content, and more.

WP-Premium for Blogger

Revolution Church Template [Demo | Release Page] - Another advance magazine template with advertisement areas and plenty of areas for placing content.

Revolution Church Blogger Template

Revolution Lifestyle Template [Demo | Release Page] - A free/premium theme that has been converted from a premium theme.

Revolution Lifestyle Blogger Template

Revolution Code Blue [Demo | Release Page] - The complete set of “Revolution” templates, in gray, red, and blue varieties.

Revolution Code Blue

Firebug Template [Demo | Release Page] - A dark three/four column template with a built-in search box, RSS posts feed and RSS comments feed.

Firebug Template

Charcoal Template [Demo | Release Page] - A dark/brown three three column template.

Charcoal Template

Funky Zine [Demo | Release Page] - With a unique, three column, widget-ready template, this theme will set your blog apart from the rest.

Funky Zine Template

Magazine Template 3 [Demo | Release Page] - An advanced theme with plenty of unique features to empower your blogging.Magazine Template 3

Blue Steel [Demo | Release Page] - Featuring a unique layout for lots of content, there is a recent posts area, themed icons for sidebar widgets, post features and options, custom favicon, and more.

Blue Steel Template

Statement [Demo | Release Page] - A clean two/three column template with a white and black color scheme.

Statement Template

Maggo Magazine Template [Demo | Release Page] - An excellent magazine template that consists of advertisement options, styled comment boxes, a built-in search box, and more.

Maggo Magazine Template

White Space Template [Demo | Release Page] - A clean, gadgets-ready template for the Blogger system, with three columns, an integrated search box, and customized comment styling.

White Space Template

Imprezz [Demo | Release Page] - A vibrant, unique theme with good navigation menus, RSS subscription buttons, and more.

Imprezz Template

D’Bluez Template [Demo | Release Page] - A clean, blue and white template with a three column layout.

D'Bluez Template

Arthemia Magazine Template [Demo | Release Page] - A converted magazine template with several unique features and areas for placing advertisements.

Arthemia Template

Vibrant Template [Demo | Release Page] - A WordPress theme converted to Blogger, with three columns, AJAX tabs, a stylish navigation menu, and with valid XHTML and CSS code.

Vibrant Template

Forte Template [Demo | Release Page] - A rather clean theme with three columns with a tabbed area.

Forte Template

Visionary Reloaded [Demo | Release Page] - A clean magazine theme originally designed by Justin Tadlock, re-coded for Blogger.

Visionary Reloaded

WP-Polaroid Blogger Template [Demo | Release Page] - A theme with Flickr photo slideshow integration, MyBlogLog recent blog readers widget, advertisement spots, recent posts list, and more.

WP-Polaroid Blogger Template

Turn Out Mag [Demo | Release Page] - A template that has been converted from a WordPress theme.It features thumbnails automatic thumbnails on the front page, two main columns, banner advertisements and AdSense areas, an integrated search box, search engine optimized code, and a featured video area.

Turn Out Mag

Ads Theme [Demo | Release Page] - An extremely popular template that resembles more advanced themes, with a three column layout and plenty of advertisement options, hence the name. It also has an integrated FeedBurner RSS and subscribe via email sidebar module, built-in MyBlogLog and BlogCatalog recent reader widgets, dynamic tabs, and a properly setup layout editor.

Ads Theme

Zinmag Remedy [Demo | Release Page] - A two/three column template with advertisement options, extremely unique features, and a feature-rich set of options. There are quite a few steps required to get it working properly, however.

Zinmag Remedy

Bizmax [Demo | Release Page] - A three column, advertisements-ready theme with advanced features and a pleasing layout. Plus, the theme appears easier to work with than other themes (as not much documentation is required/has been posted).

Bizmax Theme

Reflection [Demo | Release Page] - A three column, blue, white, and black template designed for showcasing your artwork, portfolio, or more. There are several features that you will have to configure when you install the template, but it fairly straightforward.

Reflection Template

Schemar Magazine [Demo | Release Page] - A three column, search engine optimized theme with thumbnails on the main page, a featured video area, and plenty of additional features.

Schemar Magazine

Business Ads Ready Template [Demo | Release Page] - A template suitable for businesses and it’s easy to setup.

Business Ads Ready Template

Magazeen [Demo | Release Page] - Originally designed by Smashing Magazine, this is a unique theme with a unique thumbnail-based layout, and footer area.


Grid Focus [Demo | Release Page] - A clean, simple theme based on a popular WordPress theme. The template might not be magazine-styled per se, but it is ideal for placing lots of content.

Grid Focus

Daily Inspired Template - Release Page - A clean, advanced theme that was released based on the Woork/Daily Inspired template. Not in use/no demo available.

Tags: Magazine blogger themes,Newspaper blogger templates

Related Posts Widget for Blogger Blog

If you are using the standard blogger approach, your posts are structured through time related logical way. You post new publications, and they appear in the blog history widget. Only for the explicit cases, when your reader is stunned and mesmerized by the publication he came to see through the referral site or search engine, he will dig more, exploring other publications on your blog. Other than that, he will go further, in the best case, leaving a comment. How can you keep him longer? How can you present other beautiful posts, he might find interesting? In one of the previous posts Rotating Post Widget for Blogger Blog I have already presented a way to show something extra to the reader. However, while doing what it is supposed to do, the presented widget does not show the particular articles that are relevant to the blog post your reader came to see. Therefore, embedding the Relevant Articles Widget for Blogger might represent a better solution.

The relevance of the posts is based on the tags or labels, assigned to each of the posts on your blog.

The Widget can be embedded in 9 steps:
1. Go to Layout >Edit HTML in your Blogger Dashboard.

2. Back up your existing Template before making any changes! Export your template to the safe, easy identifiable location.

3. Check the "Expand Widget Templates" box.

4. Search for the tag.

5. Add the following code just before the tag.

8. The default number of the posts is 5 in the code, but at this step you can modify it as per your needs, changing the number in the following line: max-results=5

9. Now Save your Template and you're done!

The credit for the gadget development goes to the Widgets4Free blog.

Dynamic Meta Tags for Blogger

The word ‘Meta’ means data-about-data. When we say meta description tag, it describes the contents of the page.This is one of the most important data that Google use to index your site. We can see great results in traffic after implementing it.

Well, The problem with blogspot hosted blogs is that unlike self hosted wordpress blogs, it doesn’t provide any native facility to have meta description tag for each page. So, If you define a meta description tag for your home page it will be replicated for all your pages which would be taken as a duplicate ‘meta-tag’ in Google. With the code below you can have different description tag for each page of your blogspot hosted blog.

  1. Go To layout > Edit HTML
  2. Copy the below code and place it anywhere between and of your blog template.
  3. Replace Put in your common description tags here with suitable description tag for your blog separated by comma. So if your blog is on Web 2.0. The tags can be technology, Web 2.0, making money online
  4. Save template and you’re done.

Food for the geeks— expr:content= ‘data:blog.pageTitle’ gets replaced by the title of your current page. So when combined with the common description tags, the description tag becomes unique for each page.

How to insert Adsense ads below post content

 insert adsense ads below post content

Here, text links and rectangular ad blocks would bring good CTR ,just shown as in the screenshot . Generate the friendly Adsense code as explained the first case . Now you have to locate post footer section


and paste the code just below that . Preview the changes and save your Blogger template . Remember to keep the number of advertisement blocks limited to 3 and the advertisement label(should be added manually at the top of the ad code ) in the ad section below Blogger post title .

How to insert Adsense below Blogger post title

 show adsense in Blogger posts
After this process , Adsense ads would appear as shown in above screenshot . Remember to keep " advertisements" label , not to violate Google adsense Terms .
How to Do :
Open your Blogger templates' edit HTML section and expand widget templates .Now find out the div for post header line . In my case this line looks like this
 <div class="'post-header-line-1'"> 
. Next step is to generate your Adsense code , preferably 336*280 rectangular block or 468*15 text links . These ad codes should be parsed , before they can be applied to the Blogger template . Go to this page and make your adsense code friendly . Now copy the converted ad code and paste in the section as described above .

AdSense Ready Wordpress Themes

Aquafine Wordpress Theme

Widget Ready Styleicious is a free Wordpress theme which was recently released. It is fully compatible with wordpress 2.3.2 and has tagging and tag cloud enabled.

* 2 columns ,Right sidebar
* Blue & white
* Adsense ready
* Valid XHTML and CSS Tested on:
* The following browsers: IE6, IE7, FireFox 2, Opera and Safari


Theme Demo ||wordpress Download

NTbliss Wordpress Theme

Widget Ready Styleicious is a free Wordpress theme which was recently released. It is fully compatible with wordpress 2.3.2 and has tagging and tag cloud enabled.

* 3 columns ,Right sidebar
* Green & white
* Adsense ready
* Valid XHTML and CSS Tested on:
* The following browsers: IE6, IE7, FireFox 2, Opera and Safari


Theme Demo ||wordpress Download

Magic Wordpress Theme

Widget Ready Styleicious is a free Wordpress theme which was recently released. It is fully compatible with wordpress 2.3.2 and has tagging and tag cloud enabled.

*2 columns ,Right sidebar
* Black
* Adsense ready
* Valid XHTML and CSS Tested on:
* The following browsers: IE6, IE7, FireFox 2, Opera and Safari


Theme Demo ||wordpress Download

PDF E-books collection on Adsense secrets , tips and tricks, optimization tips, Make Money With AdSense

1.Untold AdSense Facts - Download
2.5 Expert Tips for using Chitika & AdSense - Download
3.Google Adsense Secrets Revealed - Download
4.AdSense Optimization Tips - Download
5.Understanding Google AdSense -Download
6.Free Adsense Secrets - Download
7.Getting Started With Google Adsense - Download
8.How to Profit from Adsense with RSS to Blog - Download
9.10 Powerful Secrets To Make Money With AdSense - Download
10.Adsense Profit Tactics - Download
11.Using Google AdSense To Make Online Profits - Download
12.Google Adsense - The Easiest Money To Make Online? -Download
13. 3 Reasons Why Adsense Is Essential For Content Sites - Download
14.The Secret Of Google Adsense -Download
15. Earn through google adsense - Download

Formula for Adsense Money making

AdSense Revenue = Optimally Positioned, Sized & Blended Ads + Traffic Volume + High Paying Ads + Relevant Ads
1. Position Ads Above the Fold The part of a web page that is visible (without having to scroll down) after it has loaded is the part that is "above the fold". Therefore AdSense ads that are visible above the fold are more likely to get clicked on than those that only become visible if the site visitor scrolls down the page as they are less likely to scroll down than just view what is immediately visible. In fact check out Google's heatmap which shows the positioning for the best performing ads.
2. Blend Your Ads As web surfers are becoming increasingly blind to ads your AdSense ads should be blended into the content of your site in terms of the text & background colors. If the fonts can be matched this will also increase your chances of having the ads clicked on & thereby earning you more of that much loved AdSense revenue.
3. Best AdSense Ad Sizes The following is a list that is generally accepted as of the highest performing ad sizes... * 336×280 large rectangle * 300×250 inline rectangle * 160×600 wide skyscraper Whilst the above size ads may not always be suitable for your website or blog it is worth noting that these are the ones that out perform other AdSense ad sizes.
4. Links Should be Blue One of the most important factors affecting AdSense revenue is to ensure that the links are blue. Web surfers view the color blue as a sign that a link is present . The whole point of this entire process is to get people to click on your links - especially when they are attached to AdSense.
5. Set Up Channels Google's AdSense program allows you to create channels for each ad unit which provides you with an excellent tool to compare your various ad units performance on each page.
6. Click through Rate (CTR) Its important to monitor your CTR as it reflects the percentage of clicks generated per page impression. You can therefore compare your pages' CTR and tweak things to improve the lower performing pages and so on.

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Fast Blog Ranking Search with SERP Finder

SERPs Finder is a free SEO (Search Engine Optimization) utility that allows you to find rankings of your pages in all major search engines. SERPs Finder can easily check search engine position of your site for a given query in Google, Live Search, and Yahoo! Search.

Despite it’s simplicity it is one of the most powerful tools of its kind, unlike many others it searches for position deeply, analyzing first 1000* of search engine results. It is also incredibly fast, the only practical limit is the speed of your network connection.

*Note: Authors got some complaints from the users who got their access to Google temporarily blocked after excessive use of this product, so the depth of the search was reduced to the first 100 results instead of 1000. It is possible to rewrite the program to search the first 100 results trough only one Google query (currently there are 10 queries).

The utility is light, fast, and portable. You can run it from your USB disk with no installation on the Hard Drive needed.




The software is so simple, that its operation can be presented in two screenshots.

Step 1
Step 2

A proven money making layout for adsense


1. Google search box above the banner

2. Large rectangle after the title and before the content

3. Link unit above the vertical menu (people usually click the first link first)

4. Small adsense block at the end of the menu

5. Footer is covered by a leaderboard

The Rundown On the Layout

1. Width no wider than 760px

2. Make menu text look similar to ad unit, but leave space between them

3. 2 column layout

Simple, yet elegant, and maximizing your adsense units.

Free Adsense Optimized Wordpress Themes

Maximize exposure and their click through potential.
Maximize earnings through Adsense Wordpress template
  • Built in Adsense blocks for easy ad insertion.
  • Ads are active once the Adsense Publisher ID is inserted or changed
  • Optimized Ad placement, colors and types according to Google’s guidelines
  • Adsense linkunits and search are already included.
  • Search Engine Friendly. Post and category titles are used for page titles etc.
1. ProSense | Download Prosense | ProSense Gray | ProSense Blue




2. BlueSense | Download


3. AdSense Theme | Download


4. SEO Adsense | Download


5. Problogger Clean | Download


6. SEO Blix with AdSense | Download


7. Ads Minded | Download


8. SEO Almost Spring with AdSense | Download


9. Connections with Adsense | Download


10. MW | Download


11. Adsense Ready | Download


12. WP Colors | Demo


13. Boqpod Adsense | Download


14. Tigopedia 1.0 | Download


15. Typo XP Reloaded | Download


16. Citrus | Download


17. Simple Corners | Download


18.Merah Putih | Download


site visitor